Babylon A.D. (2008)

By Newguy

logoDirector: Mathieu Kassovitz

Writer: Mathieu Kassovitz, Joseph Simas (Screenplay) Maurice G. Dantec (Novel ‘Babylon Babies’)

Starring: Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh, Melanie Thierry, Lambert Wilson, Mark Strong, Charlotte Rampling, Gerard Depardieu, Jerome Le Banner

Plot: In a near future, the mercenary Toorop (Diesel) is hired by the powerful criminal Gorsky (Depardieu) to take a woman named Aurora (Thierry) from a Noelite Convent in Central Asia to New York. In return, he will receive a large amount of money and a clear passport. Toorop joins Aurora and her guardian Sister Rebeka (Yeoh) as they cross the dangerous Russian landscape chased by mercenaries that also want Aurora. On their journey, Toorop discovers that Aurora has special abilities and once in New York they see on the news that the Noelite Convent has just been bombed. When Aurora discloses that she is a virgin and pregnant with twins, Toorop realizes that there is something sinister behind his mission and that he and Sister Rebeka are not part of Gorsky’s plans.

Verdict: Short Sci-Fi Missing a Final Act

Story: Starting out with the usual reluctant hero having to risk more than he ever wanted to, to protect someone with powers the world has never seen. This time we are put in the bleak future world where the rich have too much and the poor struggle to survive. We see how two different groups are interested in the package and both for very different motives. Our hero refuses to trust either and has to turn to his connection that he also doesn’t trust to make the journey possible. In the end it is nothing new to the genre in fact it is just a mix of Mercury Rising and Fifth Element. (6/10)

Actor Reviews

Vin Diesel: Toorop our reluctant hero who has his strict rules for his missions, he can’t get back in the US for an unknown reason, we really don’t learn anything to explain why he is who he is. He puts everything on the line to make this mission happen so he can disappear. This is what you expect from Vin, strong leading role with plenty of combat skill. (7/10)


Michelle Yeoh: Sister Rebeka the protector of Aurora, who has strong religious beliefs that guide her. She has good combat skills to show that she isn’t just a religious figure. Good supporting performance showing the mysterious protector well. (7/10)


Melanie Thierry: Aurora the mysterious package that needs to be delivered, she has powers that can help her see into the future and take in an incredible amount of knowledge. Good performance to create a mysterious woman. (7/10)


Director Review: Mathieu Kassovitz – Good direction to create the film, but it really feels like there should be one more final scene. (6/10)

Action: The action comes thick and fast, with two big ones that really stand out. (8/10)

Sci-Fi: A good dark bleak look at how the future world could be. (9/10)

Thriller: Doesn’t manage to pull you in enough to really be at the edge of the seat. (5/10)

Settings: Each setting is very good and does add to the atmosphere of the story. (8/10)
Special Effects
: Even though we are looking at a future world, the film tries to leave the special effects out, but when needed they are good. (8/10)

Suggestion: I think this is one to try, but don’t go out your way to see this film. (Try it)

Best Part:  Snow Ski chase from Jets.

Worst Part: Needs more of a conclusion.

Action Scene Of The Film: Battle in New York

Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No

Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $72,108,608

Budget: $70 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Overall: Not The Most Memorable Sci-Fi Film
