Baby Steps...

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog

I was talking to a friend of mine earlier who is a single mom with a 3 year old son. I asked her how she was doing and she said "everything was in slow motion."
I told my friend that slow motion is better than NO motion. Our conversation made me think of a child learning how to walk. When your child is learning how to walk you do your very best to encourage them to be brave enough to take that 1st step. After that 1st step you tell them to keep going until they get to you, sometimes you might even have a toy or a cookie waiting for them. It takes a while for them to get it on their own, and in the mean time they fall, stumble, and get back up over and over again. You tell your child that its okay because you know for a fact that they will eventually learn to walk on their own. Think about how happy you were the 1st time your baby took those steps towards you without falling! You knew he/she could do it and you clapped and gave them hugs and kisses to let them know how proud you were. We have to remember this concept as we grow older. It's not a race, sometimes its all about baby steps. Take those small steps until you make it to your destination and if you fall get your ass up and take more steps! When you finally make it on your own the reward will be worth the bumps and bruises you got along the way.