Baby Shopping - How to Save Money on Essentials

By Catty212
When you're about to welcome a new member to the family you will need to start shopping for all necessary things. It can turn out to be a very expensive time, making a great impact on your family budget. To avoid spending too much, or even getting into debt, you should follow the simple tips below. Not only will you be able to shop for your impending bundle of joy, you should be able to save some cash along the way. 
Do research before shopping

Before any shopping, no matter what, you should sit down with your significant other and do some research. Take some time to find the best deal for your family money wise, shop around and find the best deals and check out reviews and feedback.  Make a list of things you need and the shops that stock them at the cheapest price. It might seem like a lot of work, but you can use various online services and compare prices easily. 

Buy second hand items

You can get fantastic quality children stuff at your local charity shop or car boot sale. Don't be afraid to purchase baby clothing or essential furniture. Your baby is only going to use it for a short period of time, as did the previous owner. This works particularly well with clothing since children tend to grow out of clothes rapidly. Ask your friends if they want to sell things too, or swap things around with friends. You will save a lot of money compared to buying brand new. 

Baby Shopping - How to save money on essentialsUse coupons and discount codes

If you still want to get new baby things then at least make an attempt to save money with coupons and discount codes. There are thousands of them both in newspapers, online and even in your Bounty packs. Nordstrom online coupons from are worth trying out, you might just find a huge discount on one of your essential baby items.

Baby Shopping - How to save money on essentialsAsk for gifts

Of course, the best way to get all you need for a newborn baby can be asking for donations. Ask proud grandparents to contribute with their gifts. Throwing a baby shower usually means you will be gifted lots of baby items too. If you don't think it's too rude you couple always ask friends an family to give money rather than gifts, which would enable you to but the last few things you need. 

Baby Shopping - How to save money on essentialsQuestion everything

And the last tip for today, is to ask yourself“do we need it?” Baby items can be really cute, and your heart may rule your heard with purchases. It's always best to question where it's practical and whether you really need it when you're looking to save money.