Baby's First Comic Con

By Xoxoxoe
The kid and I attended the Florida Supercon this weekend and had a blast. We saw some famous folks, some amazingly creative cosplay, and lots and lots of stuff that celebrates the larger and larger world that is all things geek these days. While everyone expects science fiction, anime, and fantasy to be represented by all things manga and Star Wars and Star Trek and Game of Thrones, I had to admit to being surprised to also see emissaries from such worlds as Spongebob Squarepants and Monty Python and the Holy Grail. But that was great for the kid, who an autograph and got to pose with the voice of Squidward himself, Rodger Bumpass.

The kid with Squidward (aka Rodger Bumpass)

I have to admit that although I love Miyazaki, and am aware of anime like Sailor Moon and of course Pokemon, I was at a loss by some of the references displayed by young cosplay-ers. But I did love these creations, whoever they were supposed to be.

One of the draws to get me to go initially was Jason Momoa, who played Khal Drogo on Game of Thrones. We just caught the tail-end of his Q&A, but he seemed very engaging; having a great time with the audience. But the highlight for me certainly had to be the photo-op with Star Trek star Nichelle Nichols. What a great lady.

Jason Momoa favored sitting on the edge of the stage to relate to his fans

Nichelle Nichols favored us all with the Vulcan salute

Before we headed for home I gave the kid a quick tour of South Beach and its great Deco-style architecture. Miami Beach was pretty torn up — lots of construction going on — but being a city gal at heart, I really enjoyed being in a little bit of a bigger pond for a while. We will definitely be back soon, when we can spend a bit more time hanging out there. All in all, a great, fun day.