Baby Mama, Baby Mama...

By Zakialacey @zakialaceyblog

Oh goodness where do I begin...?
Ok, 1st I will start by saying that I feel like I can say everything that I am about to say because I have been through it before. So listen up...
Every new baby mama is allowed to be bitter for a little while, allowed to act like a bitch and allowed to be a bit of a pest to her baby's father. Being a new mom is hard and if you are doing it alone I get it. Here is where the problem begins...
If your child is older (older than 5) and you haven't been in a relationship with the father of your child for a few years it is time to leave him alone, stop being a fuckin pest and let that man do him! You look silly asking 100 questions every time you call him. The two of you most likely have nothing to discuss besides the well being of your child so say what you have to say and let that man go on with his day! There was a time in my life when I would call Zahara's real dad when I was bored. Yes, I am guilty. I was lonely in Atlanta and at the time he was my friend. Little did I know the bastard was married, if I knew that I would have never been calling him just to "bother him" or "see what he was doing" that's his wife's job! You are not his are his baby mama! There is a huge difference.
Know your role ladies. Get some business of your own and accept the fact that there is life after you. He has moved on, you say you have moved on so prove it!
Baby mamas (me included) tend to feel like we are entitled to have a personal relationship with the father of our children. Being friends would be great but it usually doesn't work that way. When people ask me for advice on getting along with the father of their kid I tell them to think of it as business, never personal. I know that sounds harsh but it will keep you stress free. At this point I could care less what Zahara's dad does in his personal time. I hope that 1 day Zahara can meet her little sister but besides that I just wish them all the best.
All of this is easier said than done and it will get better with time. When you feel like you are about to call your childs father for no reason at all do yourself (and him) a favor and call 1 of your friends.