Baby Lily and Baxter Too....

By Elizabethwix

Baby Lily has got a lot of extra skin and wrinkles and stuff

round her neck. That is in case you need to pick her up.She has also got big feet.

I am no longer a puppy, but one of the top ones. Like Benny. He is on the right.Mimo got in the picture, but he is a puppy really.

This is Baxter who is a puppy too. He got wet in the pool.

This is Baxter beating up Baby Lily.

He did this for ages and ages.

I am trying to look dignified while all the young pups wander around causing trouble.

It is more peaceful at home when all I have to do is look for flies and hunt them down and eat them.
I hope you are having a good week.
ps Knut is coming to supper which is good.