Baby Girl

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

I have a daughter, a genuinely beautiful healthy and special baby girl, though she has never actually been conceived in the biological term.

I have never ever been pregnant or implanted with any sperm naturally or artificially (in vitro fertilization) in order to have created my unborn child.

She is purely ethereal (unearthly) yet she does really exist.

I know through intuitive ability that I was meant to have two daughters but only the one to “arrive” first is the one who keeps in contact with me most of the time.

My daughter comes to me in my dreams and I have seen her within visions. I have held her and spent time with her during our moments, visits and communications with one another. She is completely mine, destined to be born unto me yet I do not want to give birth to this gorgeous young child.

I would not want to be a kid growing up in this society the way that the world is today in this day and age. I currently do not want any children but my daughter is here within my spiritual surroundings, her presence strong and longing for me, her dear unexpected mother.

This physical world in the state that it is in now is not good enough for any blessed child of mine to come to. Hell, I feel that the world is not a good enough place for me to be but I am here.

I know that my child does not truly want to materialize into the earth and develop unto the planet to experience the human lifespan of unfair endurance in regard to survival and unfamiliar order.

She just wanted to make that connection and awareness that she was a possibility and an availability within the future afterlife.