Baby Comfy Nose {Review}

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

When Bubba was an infant, I had the hardest time using the "booger sucker thing" to clear his nose of everything that wasn't supposed to be there. 
Baby Comfy Nose {Review}
When I saw Baby Comfy Nose's solution to this problem, I needed to try it for myself to believe it. The basic concept; you insert tissue into the clear part (if you want), insert one end into the baby's nose and the other end into your mouth. By gently sucking, the baby's nose is freed of whatever is in there and it's soaked up by the tissue or stopped in the egg shaped structure. 
Baby Comfy Nose {Review}
I understand the comfort in this item but honestly, I could not get passed the idea of sucking the baby's booger with my mouth. I know that there is no way for it to get up the tube and into my mouth but the whole idea of it just made me really uncomfortable. 
Baby Comfy Nose {Review}
If you would be unbothered by this, moms recommend it for a few reasons:
"Household facial tissue inserted into the body of the BabyComfyNose is actually a more absorbent and effective filter than foam rubber. Tissue pores are much smaller than those of foam rubber, and tissue is an inherently absorbent material, whereas plastic foam rubber is not. The result is that tissue is just a better filter.But wait, there's more! The mesh storage pouch keeps the pieces together in the dishwasher, hang the pouch to dry and then it's ready for the diaper bag.  And still more - the nasal tip and mouth piece are both soft silicon-type rubber. The soft nasal tip fits better and more gently in the baby's nose and the soft mouth piece is just more comfortable for the parent.Did we mention that the BabyComfyNose is available in three colors? Each child should have his or her own aspirator. Ideal for siblings and multiples."Although I had a hard time with the blue bulb syringe I received from the hospital, I trust that the hospital gave it to me for a reason and that they believe it's the best thing to use. However, all moms are different and prefer different products; if Baby Comfy Nose sounds like a better solution to you, take a chance and try it! 
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. 

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