Baby Blues - My Post Natal Depression Journey Update

By Lollicious @lollicious

My baby girl is one, I cant believe we made it through the first year with so much love and hope in our hearts, with so little sleep and so much change. Its been a wonderful journey that has changed me and my priorities and my lifestyle, my needs and wants in life and my health.

I want to talk about my post natal depression journey and give you a update on how I am doing. You can read about my Post Natal Depression here . I have been really open about my journey with depression, I think its vitally important to share and let others know its ok to not feel ok.

Since my last post not much has changed really I am still sleep deprived and madly in love with my daughter, I am still on medication and I still have wonderful days enjoying being a Mummy laying around on the floor giggling and playing and days I wish I could curl up and cry, but I am so ok with it. I know I will have days when I feel on top of my depression and days when I am not, for me the most important thing is that I am aware of it and that I have a support network.

I want to tell you my advice and please just take it as a friend trying to help out, if you need urgent advice please speak to a medical professional or reach out to a councilor.

* Talk about it, like really let people know how you are feeling
*Make an appointment with your GP
*Exercise, go for a walk and clear your head
*Treat yourself, to a coffee, a chocolate a magazine or anything else you might like to give you a moment of happiness
*Let go of toxic people, don't feel guilty just let go
*Let those close to you know, ask for help

I hope this helps, I hope it gets you thinking and talking and maybe brings you some peace x

If you need help , please If you need advice or support or maybe your just curious, pop over here to the PANDA website. xxxx