Baby Baby - Ariel's 3rd Month

By A Happy Mum @A_Happy_Mum
This month was an adventurous one for Ariel.
We brought her to explore some spots in Singapore like Botanic Gardens, Science Centre, Gardens by the Bay and so on. Of course, she's still too young for them but thanks to the big sister, she has now at least set foot in many places.
Also, she received cute, but a little bizarre, comments like:
"Wow, why does your baby have gel on her hair?"
"Such a cute baby. With long hair and pink shirt. Boy issitt?"
"She's Ariel? Let me guess. She is 9 months old now?"
And from one passer-by auntie who was fascinated with her hair: "人小小, 头发那么多!" (meaning body small small, hair so much! You gotta say it in Hokkien, it rhymes!)
So, presenting to you some fond moments of Ariel in her 3rd month. I love you, smiley baby girl, and I hope you will stay happy and let Mummy hear your giggles every day and night!

For a complete list of Angel and Ariel's videos, visit my gallery here.