Baby Annabell Fit for a Prince

By Evette Garside @evette77
To celebrate the birth of Princess Charlotte, Zapf Creation has gifted a very special version of one of their immensely popular Baby Annabell dolls to new big brother, Prince George. It's no big secret that children can become a little jealous when a new sibling arrives in to any family. Sharing toys, attention and parents is a new concept to little ones, and can take some time getting used to. To help embrace the birth of his new little sister and to prepare for her arrival home, Zapf creation has gifted Prince George with his very own Baby Charlotte doll. Mimicking the weight of a real life baby, Baby Annabell is the UK's number one nurturing doll and with a number of very realistic functions, it's easy to see why.

But! Of course Prince George is not the only one to get his own Baby Annabell as my little princess Izebella also got one too.

Baby Annabell fit for a prince

Baby Annabell is the size of a new born and is very realistic looking.

Baby Annabell fit for a prince

Her accessories included are a dummy, bottle, bib and necklace with her own photograph on. Both the dummy and bottle are used to interact with the doll.

Baby Annabell fit for a prince

The doll has various functions and needs AA batteries to work. Her pink romper suit and hat are fully renoveable and the batteries go in a hidden compartment at the back of the doll, where the very handy on/off switch can also be found.

Baby Annabell fit for a prince

When switched on the doll will babble, coo, make various facial expressions, burp, cry, open/close eyes. When the dummy or bottle are in she will suck. When she cries she usually needs a hug and by holding the doll to the shoulders and patting her back this will soothe her to babble happy mode. Just like a real baby really. Izebella loves her new doll. I'm thinking she may even think it's her own real baby.

It can get a little annoying, sometimes it just won't shut up, thank god for the off switch. Also after a certain time of inactivity it will shut itself off too.

I did find the dummy and bottle can sometimes be a little tricky to put in the dolls mouth, you do have to push with a little force sometimes. Another drawback is that the dummy is fairly smallish and probably easily lost. I have attached ours to some pink ribbon and tied it to the dolls neck so it's not easily lost and we aren't tipping up the house attempting to find it.

Here is a short video we made of Baby Annabell in action.

Of course nothing beats having a soft bodied new friend to cuddle up and go to sleep with as Izebella is finding out. This I think is just so cute!

This new and very cute Annabell doll is available at Smyths toys for £47.99. It's the doll little girls dream of and many accessories are available to buy with it.