Baby Alpaca’s Constantly Evolving New Track ‘wild Child’

Posted on the 28 May 2013 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

It’s always fun when a song is able to surprise you multiple times over the course of only a few minutes. Baby Alpaca’s impressive new track, “Wild Child”, changes character three times in the first ninety seconds alone. Beginning with a simple introduction and lots of empty space, the song feels as though it could take either a somber or upbeat direction, a mystery that’s upheld with its timbre and dark vocals. The track slowly solidifies those distant sounds, introducing harmonies, strings, vocal interludes, and who knows what else in the lush mask of sound that so heavily contrasts the sparse introduction. Though little info is available on the Brooklyn-based duo, we do know their first EP will be released on Atlas Chair sometime in June.