B2B Marketing 2016: 5 Digital Must-Dos

Posted on the 27 April 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

With 2016 now in full swing, which digital tactics should B2B companies be devoting additional spend to?

Marketers are already spreading their budgets across a wide range of digital channels, including websites, search, social media, Big Data, content creation, app development, software suites, and much more. Which of these many channels deserve more attention?
To help figure out the digital areas to focus on, check out the new infographic created by MDG Advertising, B2B Marketing 2016: 5 Digital Must-Dos. It condenses the insights from dozens of research reports and identifies the key approaches that are both already working for B2B marketers and that have substantial future growth potential.

Source: MDG Advertising