B-r-o-m Time

By Stephanie
There is nothing as satisfying as seeing the bromeliads in my garden blooming and glowing. I am so glad to see a few of them blooming at the same time. The wait is over, yay!

Not sure if this is the norm... the flower stalks of my Billbergia pyramidalis grew towards the direction where there is greater sunlight. The bright orangy-red of the flower heads were outstanding. They look like torches.

Earlier, after they emerged from the foliage, they grew taller and the flower heads opened up really fast. 

They however took some time to rise above the foliage. I spotted them one morning and thought how attractive they will be when the flower heads open. And indeed as you can from the first pic, they were :-D

The other bromeliads that were about to send their flower stalks are Guzmania lingulata and...

...Tillandsia 'Multiflora'... all red flower stalks!!

Meanwhile, my Rosa 'Othello' has been quite productive. This flower is slightly lower than the other one which has blossomed on a tall stem but it is smaller in size.

A rose-like flower form my Gloxinia lasted for a week! The weather was really cooling. We had no sun for many days hence the petals did not wilt and able to just stay on the plant a longer period of time.

I  love the sight of my Hibiscus acetosella 'Red Shield' as the flower is sweet and cheery at the same time. 

It is fun to grow some edibles. And here are flowers and a fruit of my latest edible addition - Mini watermelon....

I hope the wild squirrel wouldn't detect this fruit... else I would have no chance to eat it.

Last but not least, The Beautiful Phalaenopsis! It has been flowering non-stop and these two flowers are the longest lasting ones thus far. I am seeing another flower stalk growing behind this stalk, yippie!

Have a lovely day!