Ayurvedic Remedies To Deal With Computer Vision Syndrome

Posted on the 14 February 2022 by Dr Vikram Chauhan @Planetayurveda9


Due to the increase in demand for work on computers and other digital devices, there are some health issues arising. It is very common in almost every group of ages. Students are preparing their assignments on tablets, office going people are working on their computers, making presentations on laptops. This increased use of the computer and other smart devices like cell phones have many harmful effects on our health. Cervical spondylitis because of the lean forward position of the neck is one such example. Today we are going to learn about the computer vision syndrome which is also a result of overuse of computers and other digital devices.


This is a medical condition in which there is involvement of eyes which become dry and aches also due to the prolonged use of eyes on tablets, computers, laptops and smartphones etc. It is also known by other names like computer eye strain or digital eye strain.


Following are the causes of the computer vision syndrome such as
  1. Continuous strain on the eyes due to over staring on the screens of the computer, laptops and tablets.
  2. Poor lightning
  3. Bad posture while sitting
  4. Prolonged use of computers without a break in between
  5. Reflection on the screens of your digital devices
  6. Uncorrected vision issues


The symptoms of the computer vision syndrome are
  1. Blurred vision
  2. Pain in eyes
  3. Dryness in eyes
  4. Pain in neck and shoulder (due to poor posture)
  5. Sometimes the symptoms are accompanied by headache


To diagnose a case with computer vision syndrome, a general physician would refer you to an eye specialist who would first test your vision, then would do some other eye examinations.


There is no specific treatment for computer vision syndrome in allopathy. This is just managed with the help of some modifications in the workplace like sitting posture, computer/laptop brightness settings and regular intervals of breaks in between to give your eyes some rest.

Ayurvedic point of view in Computer vision syndrome

In Ayurveda the disease is not treated like modern science. The concept varies, as modern science is limited only to the organs which are involved whereas the Ayurvedic system of medicine treats a disease with a holistic approach. This holistic approach considers the man and the whole environment as a whole or, say , interconnected.

This interconnectedness could be understood by the concept that every being in this universe is made up of five elements: Air, Space, Water, Fire and Soil. Two of these five elements make a form of energy which is called dosha in Ayurveda. There are three types of Dosha Vata, Pitta and Kapha dosha. In Ayurveda, it is strongly believed that the disease is not possible unless the balance of these three co-existing doshas in a living being is not disturbed. Therefore the real treatment plan in Ayurveda is balancing the vitiated dosha and not just the diseased organ. In computer vision syndrome the involvement of two doshas can be seen, that is Vata and Pitta dosha.

Planet Ayurveda is a leading firm which prepares natural herbs using authentic ways and has great results in curing Computer vision syndrome. All the herbs that are prepared here are free from chemicals, preservatives, starch, additives, colours, yeast, binders and fillers. They are 100 percent natural and are formulated by MD Ayurvedic doctors with years of experience. It has a worldwide range of distributors and has a great response from various countries when it comes to curing diseases that are considered incurable by allopathic doctors.

Products available at Planet Ayurveda for Computer vision syndrome

1. Angel Eye Vitale capsules

This cream is helpful for the complaints such as dimness of vision due to overuse of eyes on digital devices. It could also be used for the lubrication of eyes with the goodness of vitamin E. It has vitamin C, zinc, carrot seeds, corn and bilberry. This wonderful formulation also helps to protect the eyes from daily wear and tear.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules with plain water after meals.

2. Triphala Capsules

Triphla is an excellent remedy available in Ayurveda for the general well being of the body. This is done by its magical properties of clearing the blocked channels (srotas). Headache which is a common symptom of computer vision syndrome could be easily handled with this ayurvedic remedy. It promotes healthy digestion which is very important for the people whose system has become slow due to prolonged sitting profile jobs. For the individuals who are finding a permanent solution for their constipation, this formulation would help them a lot. It is also very useful in liver problems, diarrhoea, ulcers etc. Ingredients of the Triphala capsules are Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula), Bhibhitaki ( Terminalia bellirica), Amalaki ( Emblica officinalis) and other herbs.

Dosage: 1-2 capsules twice daily

3. Amalaki Rasayan

Amalaki rasayan are an inevitable ayurvedic remedy for hypertension, influenza, cold and chronic cough. This is one of the best natural sources of vitamin C. It has the best results in complaints like acidity and ulcers. It could be thought of in diabetes, bleeding disorders and for strengthening the immune system. This helps in combating the cancer by promoting a good immunity. Ingredients of the Amalaki capsule are Amalaki ( Emblica officinalis).

Dosage: 1-2 capsules once or twice daily

4. Bhringraj Powder

This is a classical formulation in Ayurveda. It could be used to treat many disorders like vision problems, weak memory, hair loss etc. It pacifies all three doshas and promotes a healthy urinary system. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help to pacify the Vata dosha which is the main cause of hair fall and hence promotes hair growth. Ingredient of the Bhringraj powder is Bhringraj ( Eclipta prostrata).

5. Go Rich Hair Oil

This oil improves hair growth which is equally effective in men and women. It nourishes the scalp by removing dandruff. For women who are frustrated because of split ends this oil is a blessing. It is a natural, non-hormonal product which is also free from any chemicals and could be easily indicated in bald men. Also very useful in the cases of premature greying of hair. Ingredients of the Go rich hair oil are Palash beej ( Butea monosperma), Brahmi ( Bacopa monnieri), Amla ( Emblica officinalis), Shikakai ( Acacia concinna), Henna ( Lawsonia inermis), Bhringraj ( Eclipta prostrata) and other herbs.

Method of Application: Apply hair oil generously to cover the scalp area. Gently massage the scalp with around 5-10 ml of oil. Rinse thoroughly the next morning.

Some tips to prevent computer vision syndrome

  • Follow the 20-20-20 rule which states after every 20 minutes concentrate on something lying 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds.
  • Sit straight so as to reduce the stress on the neck and shoulder muscles which is there due to bad posture.
  • Don't stare at the screens of your computer, and blink your eyes like every 15-20 seconds
  • Take breaks in between to give rest to both your eyes and your back and neck muscles
  • Use eye drops for lubrication, this will help them to stay lubricated
  • Wear right spectacles

Contact my assistant to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at - costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-521-4040 Or Check Website - www.PlanetAyurveda.com


It could be easily understood that working on computers is an unavoidable thing today. But there are some changes like sitting properly, having a good source of light in our surroundings, and correct spectacles could help in preventing or reducing the effects of computer vision syndrome. Those who are already suffering from this condition can take help from Ayurveda which offers a permanent cure.