Ayurvedic Power to Cure Blastomycosis in Dogs

Posted on the 17 October 2023 by Dr Vikram Chauhan @Planetayurveda9

You would never have to walk alone when you have a dog! But what if they aren't well enough to accompany you? That's a sad and confusing state indeed for you and your pet. Many infections might affect our pet animals and one among those is blastomycosis. This is a fungal infection caused by a fungus called Blastomyces. These fungi, though find their host mostly in decaying materials, still tend to affect higher organisms like humans, dogs, and cats. Unfortunately, these seem to target our dogs often. But not to worry since we have very traditional medicine to help you. Ayurveda is said to be the ancient medicine that has solutions for any type of disease and hence is ready to deal with our pawed buddies too! Read and know what blastomycosis does to our doggy and how Ayurveda beats this disease out of their body!

Blastomycosis and Dogs

Blastomyces dermatitidis is the fungus studied to be behind this infection. They are hosted in a moist environment like damp soil. More than any other species, blastomycosis is more likely to occur in dogs. The terrible Blastomyces fungus starts growing on a dog's body making it hard for the pal to undergo the whole disease. The main reason that falls behind the reason for the hardship is that often the owner misunderstands it as another skin disease that his/her dog has been affected by on another seasonal change or poor hygiene that the dog is put in lately. As said, the skin lesions are the ones that get visible to you initially or that are very visible externally. Compared to humans or cats, dogs are said to be 10 times more prone to this fungal infection. This is indeed scary! But let's put the worries away with Ayurveda, for our little animals' health.

Keep a Check on These

Skin conditions like lesion formations and discharges are the primary signs that we may notice. Respiratory issues could also be present. Sudden loss of appetite preceded by abnormal skin conditions and weight loss associated with it, is another visible symptom. Lesions on eye areas could be also visible as these fungi further start to develop to higher stages. This should be immediately treated as it might affect their vision. It's very important to be keen about these symptoms to make it easy for your dogs and prevent them from reaching higher stages like actively affecting their internal organs.

Prevention and Ayurvedic Remedies

Rain, wind, or dew might tend to trap the fungal particles and come in contact with the skin layers. Hence hygiene is very important. Make your pet take baths once a week with the right ingredients along with water after consulting a physician. Your dog can easily breathe in the fungi present in soil contents that are accompanied by moisture so it's important to keep an eye on your dogs while in adverse climatic conditions. Providing vitamin supplements to the pawed ones like vitamin C, E or A also would help. Garlic being an important remedy against fungi, it can be used to fight this disease as well and so can be administered to your pet after consulting about it with a doctor.

Planet Ayurveda, Your Dog's Ayurvedic Guide

Many medical lines don't offer remedies for your animals and those that do also demand high payment though often tend to be a failure and make it more complicated for your pet. Many of us look into how modern the remedies appear but the fact that ancient medicine knows it all since the beginning should be remembered.

Planet Ayurveda, the complete ayurvedic health group, is passionate about receiving responsibilities from each of our patients. We always try to the core in keeping up with updating our risk-free versions of innovations in the field of Ayurveda for years. This is done by accommodating many quality tests at regular intervals and also by keeping it at maximum herbal. Collaborating with many distributors world-wide and our in-house physicians, we bring you quality herbal products that are prakriti-specific. Keeping the products 100% gluten free and many of them vegetarian, we ensure that Ayurveda is available to everyone. All the products here are tested chemical-free by expert physicians in the house. The shastriya padhati (scientific way of preparation) is maintained in our company. Planet Ayurveda also offers many care packages for your pet dogs to undergo treatment for blastomycosis and some of the main herbal formulations included in it are

Products List

  1. Gandhak Rasayan
  2. Mahamanjistha Ghan Vati
  3. Kaishore Guggul
  4. Dermo Plan Syrup

1. Gandhak Rasayan

Sulfur, also known as Shuddh Gandhak, is the major component of this herbo-mineral product. It is a capsule form of medication. This medicine has been proved to be effective in treating bacterial and fungal infections of the skin's layers, making it right to treat blastomycosis. Our Ayurvedic experts have tested this medicine to ensure it is free of any artificial colors or other additives.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily.

2. Mahamanjistha Ghan Vati

This is an exclusive ayurvedic single-herb medication. It's in the form of capsules and contains Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia) as the major ingredient, which aids in the maintenance of skin quality and tone. Hence is the right choice for blastomycosis. This is a vegetarian formula that is made entirely of natural ingredients.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day.

3. Kaishore Guggul

It's an Ayurvedic poly-herbal medicine. This product in syrup form is produced using Guggul as the major ingredient (Commiphora mukul). This aids in the maintenance of healthy skin and the Pancreas. It also contains other components such as Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), which helps in the overall health of all body organs. This drug was tested to ensure it is free from any chemicals or colors.

Dosage: 2 tablets twice daily.

4. Dermo Plan Syrup

This one-of-a-kind poly-herbal syrup includes age-old ingredients that have been recorded in ancient Ayurvedic texts. This syrup by Planet Ayurveda is a natural skin care product. Hence this is highly recommended by physicians for blastomycosis. Our Ayurveda experts created this medication without the use of artificial colors or other additives.

Dosage: 2 teaspoons twice a day or as prescribed by an Ayurvedic Practitioner.

Dogs can easily put you out of your bad mood, or switch a whole bad day into a much better one. These pals are gems to be treasured, and let's do it by giving them the possible best in all their aspects including health. Likewise, let us put our interest in Ayurveda when it comes to pet health just like our own. Ayurveda leads your dogs to walk along with you healthy!