Ayurvedic Approach for Erectile Dysfunction – Natural Cure

Posted on the 29 July 2017 by Dr Vikram Chauhan @Planetayurveda9

Best Ayurvedic Medicine To Increase Sperm Count Erectile Dysfunction is not something to be ashamed off. Like other health problems, it can also resolved. Come on, "no need to feel shy or hesitant, go and visit the doctor".

Good sexual life is also an important aspect in an individual's life. These days problem of Erectile Dysfunction has become common in males. How to increase the duration of sex, how to maintain the erections? These questions bother many males. Proven Home Remedies, diet, Ayurvedic treatment are natural ways to manage this problem efficiently.

Ayurvedic Approach for Erectile Dysfunction – Natural CureErectile dysfunction is the problem in which males are not able to maintain the erections during sex. This disorder is due to narrowing of blood vessels and inadequate blood supply to penis.

This sexual disorder can also be the result of unhealthy eating habits and nutritional dearth. Other factors which are also responsible for erectile dysfunction are anxiety, depression, stress, alcohol intake etc.

1 - Lady Finger

Lady Finger is an effective home remedy for sexual problems.

How to consume

  • Take 10-15grams of powder of roots of lady finger and mixit with two tablespoons of mishri powder.
  • Add this mixture into a glass of warm milk.
  • Consume it twice daily.

2 - Foxnuts

For erectile dysfunction, it is a fruitful home remedy. Foxnutswork well to improve the sex life in males and also help to increase the sperm quantity.

How to use

  • Take foxnutsand roast them into cow ghee.
  • Grind it to make powder.
  • Consume one teaspoonful of this powder in one glass of milk.
  • Take it twice, morning and night.

3 - Pumpkin seeds

Being packed with the essential mineral, pumpkin seeds are quite good to improve the male sexual health.Eating handful of pumpkin seeds daily is good in erectile dysfunction.

4 - Onions

Aphrodisiac properties of onions make it an effective home remedy to improve the erectile dysfunctions.Make onion soup and consume it before going to bed.

5 - Garlic

Garlic is another effective home remedy for erectile dysfunctions.

How to use

  • Eating 4-5 cloves regularly for three months are good for the problem of erectile dysfunction.
  • Another option is you can fry the garlic cloves in cow ghee, until they turn golden brown as per your taste. Can be used as salad with food.
  • Include the dairy products like milk, cheese, curd etc.
  • Consume the vegetables which are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin-c and potassium like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and red bell peppers. Also take the green leafy vegetables like broccoli and asparagus.
  • Consume the fruits like banana, apples, watermelon, oranges etc.
  • Include fish in diet.
  • Include the dry fruits in your diet likealmonds, date, figs, flax seeds, Brazil nuts and raisins.

Things to be avoided

  • Avoid the intake of junk foods.
  • Don't take carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Avoid alcohol intake.

Planet Ayurveda offers the " ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION CARE PACK" which contains the two products. All the herbal products are completely safe for use and free from any side effects.


1. TRIBULUS POWER - Planet Ayurveda's offers Tribulus power capsules to treat erectile dysfunction. These capsules are made from the standardized extract of herb Gokshura ( Tribulusterrestris). It is considered as effective herb in Ayurveda to resolve both the males and females sexual problems. It acts in an amazing way to treat the erectile dysfunctions in the men. It helps to maintain the erections and also increase the sexual desires in male

Dosage - Two capsules twice in a day with plain water after meals.

2. ATIRASADI CHURNA - Atirasadichurna is a perfect blend of various herbs which are given below -

  • Safedmusli (Chlorophytumborivilianum)
  • Kali musli (Curculigoorchioides)
  • Semalmusli (Salmaliamalabarica)
  • Gokshura (Tribulusterrestris)
  • Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
  • Ashwagandha (Withaniasomnifera)
  • Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum)
  • Vidarikand (Puerariatubersoa)
  • Varahikand (Dioscoreatuberosa)
  • Safedbehmen (Centaureabehen)
  • Jaiphal/Javitri (Myristicafragrans)
  • Taalmakhana (Hygrophilaspinosa)
  • Kesar (Corcussativus)

Benefits - All the above mentioned herb work in a synergetic way to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction. Herb used in the formulation of this herbal product are packed with the aphrodisiac properties. They help to increase the libido, sexual desire, strength and energy in body. Additional they help to improve blood supply to penis and thus help to increase the time of erections. In short they support the good health of male reproductive system and helps to maintain the erections.

Dosage - One teaspoonful twice in a day with plain water or milk after meals.