'Ayo, April! Goals for the Month

By Winyeemichelle

1. Stop spending unnecessarily.
Thanks to the fact that last month I bought a Celine handbag, two tortoises, their indoor enclosure, an unsurmountable number of Creme Eggs and an indulgent few food shops, I think April is the month to tone it back down. I'm a typical girl when it comes to the idea of fixing problems with retail therapy, and following a series of ridiculous situations... Well, that just escalated pretty quickly.
2. Declutter.
I'm going to take on the task of spring cleaning my room and the family house this month. My room is a cluttered (yet organised) assemblage of my favorite things, things that really do describe and personify me, but that you could probably do without seeing all the time. It's time to get my decor back to the minimalist cool that it was a few months ago.
3. Roadtrip!
I've been bitten by the travel bug following a February jaunt to Morocco with four of my best blogging ladies. Then I quickly got plans in the diary for Brighton and Southampton, and next on the menu is Paris! My little sister turns 18 in early May so I want to treat her to a soiree in Paris as well as a fun day out somewhere in England. (We've earmarked Cambridge!)
4. Let go.
Alrighty, I don't talk really-personal-life on here very often but perhaps telling myself this as a goal in front of XYZ amount of people is a good call. I need advice for letting go of, or fixing the situation with, an acquaintance turned something-more, turned nothing, turned best friend, to something-even-more, to half a friend when suited. ... Can I pass this off as I'm asking for a friend?!
5. Read more.
Once a self-professed book addict, I now rarely read a magazine let alone a book. As a journalism graduate, I know that I should be reading and taking more in from every avenue, so it's time to switch off the technology a little and spend more time in bed with a book. Well when you put it like that! Tell me your newest book recommendations too.