AYearAThon – May

By Jazmin-Jade

AYearAThon is a read a thon that happens each month throughout the year with different themes. You can find the goodreads group here.

Now I don’t plan on doing all of them, but I will be doing some!

May’s theme runs from the 5-11, and since there doesn’t seem to be a specific time in which this starts, I am starting the clock at midnight my time. This months theme is:

Finish/Catch Up On A Series

I think I get like one day off of work during this time, so I am going to keep my reading list really simple (easy short books) and try and beat it if I can, but I doubt I will. I can’t read when I’m tired, it just puts me to sleep. So I plan on finishing reading:

The Losing It Series by Cora Carmack.

And if I finish those I will finish reading A Shade Of Vampire Series by Bella Forrest.

Its a very big list but the books are not very long. I doubt I will finish all of them, but meh. I will be posting updates… Daily? At least I shall try.

As always if you wish to pick up a copy of these books, click on the cover.