AYCD Proxies Review

Posted on the 01 July 2017 by Chris Prosser @private_proxy

Do you want to learn about the AYCD proxy service? If you intend to make use of its service and do not much about the service, then be our guest as we would be providing you an overview of the service in our AYCD proxies review.

Residential Proxy Providers for Sneaker Copping

  • Offers but regular residential proxies as well as ISP proxies
  • Has support for group buy for its range of services
  • Good location support for its proxy network
  • Affordable pricing and reliable proxy network

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The AYCD does not only offers proxies. It offers a complete botting package that includes an AutSolve tool for solving Captchas, BotManager for managing sneaker bots, CookieGen for generating cookies, and a proxy network, among other tools and services it provides.

Our focus in this article I on their proxy network. The AYCD proxy network is a proxy service that has been engineered to make sneaker botting and other forms of botting easy without getting blocked. The proxy network is basically a residential proxy network with support for the much faster ISP proxies.

One feature I have come to like about the AYCD service is its support for the range of services it offers and how they integrate easily with each other. From AYCD, you would not have to buy proxies from one provider and then get a Captcha solver from another, then look for another service to help you manage your bots. This service does all for you.

Their proxies are quite reliable and undetectable. This means that you can use them to cop from sneaker platforms such as Adidas and the SNKR platform that are effective at detecting proxies.

Is AYCD Proxies worth it? That’s what we’ll discuss in this review.

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Proxy Plans and Pricing

The AYCD proxy networks offer two types of proxies, each having what they are best suited for, and their pricing also varies. Let take a look at the proxies they offer and their pricing.

Residential Proxies

The most popular proxies offered by the AYCD proxy network are residential proxies. These proxies route clients’ requests via devices of regular Internet users, thereby providing clients residential IP addresses. Because they do not own the IP addresses, they cannot provide true static proxies, and as such, the proxies are rotating proxies that change the IP address they assign to users frequently.

They have static ports that maintain IPs for a while too. Pricing for these kinds of proxies is based on bandwidth usage, and it starts from $13 per GB.

ISP Proxies

Their ISP proxies also use residential IP addresses. However, unlike regular residential proxies, these ones are hosted on datacenter-like architecture and are quite faster. Another major difference is that ISP proxies are static proxies, and pricing is based on the number of ports as opposed to bandwidth.

For ISP proxies, the price per proxy is $0.85, which you will agree with me that is quite cheaper and affordable compared to what other providers offer in the sneaker proxy market. One thing you will come to like about these is that they are tested before being sold to you.

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Customer Support

The AYCD offers a range of channelsthat you can use to contact them should you have a need to contact them. You can contact them via email support, but the response time might be slow, as would other providers. Instead of using their email support, you should contact them on Twitter as businesses tend to answer queries faster on Twitter than via emails.  They also have an Instagram and a YouTube page.

Location Support

When it comes to location support, the proxy network of AYCD has got excellent location support. It might interest you to know that the service has got support for all countries across the globe. Thanks to the fact that it sources its IP addresses via a P2P network that has users from around the world.

There is also the possibility of them utilizing the proxy pool of another provider. The ISP proxies do not have much location coverage as their residential proxies.


Being a paid service, you will need to prove you have access right before you make use of their proxies,and this is done via authentication. The AYCD proxies has support for username and password authentication. They do not have support for the IP authentication, and if you ask me, username and password enough – except you just want the ‘coolness’ of IP whitelisting.

Our verdict

After using proxies from this provider and taking a deep look at the AYCD service in general, we can’t help but recommend the service. The groupbuys support is an added advantage, and their proxies are quite cheap when compared to their competitors.

However, if you intend to use their proxies for sneaker copping, I would advise you to contact them and tell them your specific target site to know if it is supported since things change quickly and you can’t afford to use proxies with no guarantee of working.

Update - 2021.09.07 8.5 Total Score Price & Value 8.5 Network Perform 7.5 Proxy Features 7 Customer Support 8 Add your review

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