Awe-Inspiring Tips To Turn Your Blog Into A Business

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Turn Your Blog Into A Business Today

A blog is something that has certainly changed over the last few years, and what might have been a hobby has fast become a full-time business for many.

In this digital age that we live in, there are so many opportunities available online. Here are some tips to turn your blog into a business.

What might have been a hobby has fast become a full-time business for many. #blogging #smallbusiness Click To Tweet

Post Content Consistently

Content is obviously important because the reason blogs turn into the business is because the information on the blog is relevant and engaging for the readers. When you're trying to build your blog into a business, it's important that you're posting content consistently.

You want to focus on the quality of the content and making sure that what you post is relevant to your readers.

If you're writing about fly fishing on a fashion-based blog, then chances are your readers aren't going to be interested, even if the purpose of the post was due to a paid collaboration with a brand. It's important to always come back to your readers and what they enjoy.

They will also get used to hopping onto your blog at certain times to check for new content so it's worth trying to post up at the same time and on the same days you've planned the content to go live.

You want to focus on the quality of the content and making sure that what you post is relevant to your readers. #bloggingtips Click To Tweet

Consider Improving Your Skills With Education

Education is something that you certainly want to build on where possible. If you are starting a blog and you don't have any writing qualifications, then it's worth exploring the different courses and workshops that are out there in order to help you build on those skills.

From places like Suffolk to Manchester and beyond, there are lots of institutions out there that can help with providing you with the knowledge needed to improve your craft. Like with any career you go into, it's always worth improving your skills where possible.

Pitch Yourself

Remember that when you're starting a business, that business doesn't just immediately land in your lap. You have to be willing to go out and work hard for it. That means you're going to have to pitch yourself in order to really thrive in the blogging industry.

There are lots of bloggers out there and if you're not doing your bit to look for the work, then you're not going to get any. Look at online resources on how to pitch yourself as a blogger and hopefully the work should come in eventually.

That means you're going to have to pitch yourself in order to really thrive in the blogging industry. #bloggingtips Click To Tweet

Build An Engaged & Loyal Following

Building an engaged and loyal following is important as a blogger because the more people that read your blog, the more enticing it becomes for brands to want to work with you. Communicate more often with your following where possible and find ways to create a community within your blog and social media feeds.

Turning your blog into a business isn't easy, but it's not impossible. Use these tips to get the most out of the opportunities you have. You'll certainly stand a good chance of making it a success!

Communicate more often with your following where possible and find ways to create a community within your blog and social media feeds. #InspireToThrive Click To Tweet

My Story - Turning a Blog Into a Business

Writing a blog didn't start out as a business idea. It was a way for me to help other people when I ran an online retail business. It took years before I realized I could turn my blog into a business with services I began providing to others part-time while I worked full time in the newspaper industry.

Looking back, of course, I wish I had started the full-time journey sooner. But it can be scary leaving a weekly or monthly paycheck with health benefits. You have to take the leap and once you do, you may not look back.

You must be willing to change quickly your vision, services, and your habits to survive today. I've constantly learned new things along the way. I am always thinking of other ways to grow the business as one area may fold and others emerge.

Others Who Have Turned Their Blogs Into Businesses

Others told me this like Ryan Biddulph and Donna Merrill. They have been blogging as a business for several years prior to me. And then there is Mitch Mitchell who has several blogs and business.

Now, I see many more like Dana Gore, Sherryl Perry, and Sue-Ann Bubacz who left their jobs or other businesses and now offer services from their blogs.

These are the folks that have inspired me to turn Inspire To Thrive into a full-time business after blogging here for 7 years. (Now going on a decade!)

Your Turn on Blogging into Business

Have you been able to turn your blog into a business? I'd love to hear your story!

I'd love to know more in the comments below if you are looking to turn your blog into a business in the coming year ahead.