Awaiting Further Instructions (2018) Movie Review

By Newguy

Await Further Instructions – ABC Film Challenge – Horror – A – Await Further Instructions – Movie Review

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Director: Johnny Kevorkian

Writer: Gavin Williams (Screenplay)


Plot: A family’s Christmas takes a strange turn when they awake to find themselves trapped inside and begin receiving mysterious instructions through the television.

Runtime: 1 Hour 31 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Await Further Instructions starts when a family comes together for Christmas. Nick (Gittins) is introducing his new girlfriend Annji (Naik) to them for the first time. Father Tony (Masters) believes he has control over the family, while Nick’s sister Kate and Scott cause a stir.

When the family wake up to find themselves locked in the home, they start taking instructions from the television. As the family starts questioning more, it causes tension between them leading to dangerous consequences.

Verdict on Await Further Instructions

Await Further Instructions is a sci-fi mystery horror that follows a family dealing with an unexpected quarantine. This creates tension between the family as they search for answers and get caught up in the middle of something they simply can’t explain.

The movie creates tension as we saw previously in ‘The Mist’ where it becomes a battle between religion and science. It provides an interesting commentary on life while being brainwashed into following orders. This is a smart contained movie, that leaves plenty of questions, despite it being difficult to see a family fall apart because of it.

Final ThoughtsAwait Further Instructions is a smart, interesting, and thought-provoking film.