A/W Primark Haul

By Aworldfullofprettiness
I hadn't stepped foot in Primark for what felt like forever. I don't bother entering my local Primark for many reasons, but mainly because its such a small branch with a small selection of items and mess everywhere.. I'd much rather wait till I am due on a big trip out of town somewhere... which is what I did last week.
For regular readers, you will know I went to Manchester last week for a few days, and was extremely excited to go to their big-ass Primark.
Unfortunately it was a bit of a let down - I came away with very little clothing items (and the clothes that I did come away with quickly made their little ol' way back to the returns and exchange counter the very next day). I did buy a few accessories that caught my magpie eye. I also purchased my very first pair of autumn/winter boots for this year which I'm muchly excited about wearing! The rest was just 'I don't need you but I like the look of you' buys, but I thought I'd share them with you anyway.
For those that like a more 'visual viewing' then come on over to my Primark Haul Video, although excuse the roots, I really need to get them sorted!
If you like to read/see Primark Hauls, then subscribe to my Youtube channel for more bargain buys!