GR: Here’s some great Thanksgiving entertainment that I plan to spring on my guests (🙂 ). It’s a bit of a test?
Is a system that celebrates, and depends on, more consumers doing more consuming really healthy and sustainable?
“This year I’m making it easier than ever for you to see and share the film, Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth. From November 23 to December 2 you can stream the film at any time, at no cost. You can watch it on any connected device. You can invite friends over for a viewing party at a day and time that suits you. You can elect your growth-addicted elected officials, journalists, clergy, and college professors to see the film. If you don’t want them in your living room, just share this free screening link and urge them to watch:”
“For those of you who simply can’t resist spending some money the day after Thanksgiving, perhaps an investment in the renewable resource of a good book would make sense. To that end, I have included a review of a 2014 title called “Global Population: History, Geopolitics, and Life on Earth.” –Joe Bish, Population Media Center (Continue for the free-screening link: Avoiding the Ecocidal “Black Friday” — Growthbusters and Good Books).