Avoiding a Social Media Nightmare with 6 Issues In Your Business

By Lisa @Lisapatb

When you are running a business, you always need to think about the public perception of your company. It's absolutely critical that you think about the key steps that you'll need to take to take to avoid a PR nightmare.

These days, the greatest problems occur on social media. Here are some of the problems in your business that can cause bad buzz to spread across social networks like wildfire.

These days, the greatest problems occur on social media. #socialmedianightmares Click To Tweet

Hashtag Misuse Causing a Big Problem

Sometimes a business will use a hashtag that will be hijacked by folks who have had a bad experience with their brand. The most famous of all was McDonald's.

Now, these tweets been used in social media classes ever since!

Situation where McDonald's hashtag campaign wen totally wrong #McDStories #eGovForum @SMCBahrain pic.twitter.com/BYgtYNECTy

- RIVULET ✨ (@GhadoorJust) March 19, 2015

Sometimes a business will use a hashtag that will be hijacked by folks who have had a bad experience with their brand. #twittertips Click To Tweet

Employees Using a Personal Social Media Account vs. Company Account

You may have heard the recent story about a Walmart employee. The employee thought they were tweeting out from their own personal Twitter account. But whoops!

Nope, it was from Walmart's own Twitter account. Imagine what an embarrassment and backlash this caused?

Many people were tweeting about boycotting Walmart after the tweets were sent.

Thanks ⁦@Walmart⁩ for your insulting condescension. Now that you've insulted 75 million Americans, will you at least apologize for using slave labor? pic.twitter.com/oYJP4Cv2qE

- Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) December 30, 2020

And thus the boycott tweets began:

I'm not a big fan of Walmart anyway and I haven't walked into one since they mandated masks.

But now that they've chosen sides, I'll never shop their again.#BoycottWalmart

- Kath (@freedomlover712) December 31, 2020

Drug And Alcohol Issues Cause a Social Media Nightmare

It's possible that your employees are caught either using drugs or drinking while on the job. This is going to be more significant for some industries over others.

It's important that you think about how this could impact variables like safety. The best way to avoid this problem is to make sure that you explore drug testing in your business.

That way you can guarantee that your workforce is completely clean.

Unfair Employee Practices

Next, you should think about the other side of the spectrum in terms of employee issues. It's possible that you are accused of having unfair practices in your business model.

If this is the case, then it can mean that the best employees want nothing to do with your business and that's a massive problem.

It will lead to a skill shortage in your company and this is always going to start with former employees spreading the word across key social networks.

Having a social media listening tool can help you find these nightmare social media posts quickly and be able to respond if necessary. (And most times it will be necessary!)

Harassment Issues Will Cause a Social Media Nightmare

The 'Me Too' movement is alive and well if now operating under the surface and it has stretched far beyond the boundaries of Hollywood. This movement has brought positive change to businesses across the world.

However, it can lead to serious issues for businesses and potentially cause companies to close their doors. It can even lead to legal action that will cost companies hundreds of thousands in damages.

While larger companies might be able to survive this type of financial pain, likely, smaller businesses won't. This will always start with a problem on social media and it can be the first place that harassment is brought to light.

You need to make sure that there other avenues employees can use to get the support that they need.

This will always start with a problem on social media and it can be the first place that harassment is brought to light. #socialmedianightmares Click To Tweet

Poor Quality Won't Help Your Social Media Strategy

Finally, it's possible that there has been an issue with quality in terms of the products or services that you provide. If that's the case, then customers will often skip the typical review forums and instead go straight to the social network.

They do this because they know this is where they are going to get the most attention. Hence, you need to act quickly and ensure that you are combating negative complaints, fixing issues where you can.

As a matter of fact, I've done the same thing with airlines and cable companies. Reaching out on social media was the easiest way to reach them. After no one answered the phone calls I received answers immediately on social media.

Being able to find the complaints and respond quickly can make all the difference in avoiding this social media nightmare unfold before your eyes.

If that's the case, then customers will often skip the typical review forums and instead go straight to the social network. #socialmediatips Click To Tweet

In Conclusion

I hope this helps you understand all the key issues that can cause your business to face a social media crisis.

Be aware that problems online can spread like wildfire and cause your business brand to crumble completely.

However, the good news is that if you take the right steps early on then you can mitigate most of the damage and get your business back on the right track.

Have you ever experienced a social media nightmare? I'd love to know more in the comments below!