Avoid These Bathroom Pet Peeves This Holiday Season #TweetFromTheSeat #IC #Sponsored

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

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I can’t believe that we are less than a week away from Christmas. Last night, I was finalizing my side of the families plans for celebrating Christmas. In the past several years, I have hosted my side of the families Christmas celebration over at my house. I wanted to share my check list for making sure that your house is ready for the holidays. I know that most people concentrate on the areas that their guests will see but often forget make sure that the bathroom is clean and stocked. In our house, the guest bathroom is usually a mess due (my teenagers are messy) and I want the bathroom to look presentable for our guests.

When I clean up our house to prepare for guests, I always start with the high traffic areas like the living room and kitchen. I want to make sure that they are clean for our guests. Then I save the bathroom for last since it is consistently used until our guests arrive.

As you are planning your next party and making your shopping list don’t forget to add toilet paper and wipes to your list.  These are necessities that we often take for granted unless you run out while seated on the toilet. Plus, you often don’t think about running out of during your family gathering or getting a clogged toilet.

Avoid These Bathroom Pet Peeves This Holiday Season

I always try to make sure that our bathroom is always ready for guests because the last thing that I want to do is make my guests uncomfortable. Today, I wanted to share with you some pet peeves that drive me bonkers when I visit a bathroom that is missing a few essential items that make my bathroom experience uncomfortable.

  • Toilet paper that feels rough. I am spoiled, I am used to using Charmin in my home. It is soft and I feel like that I don’t have to use a ton of toilet paper to get my bottom clean. Plus, I love that it won’t clog my drains and I can avoid expensive calls to the plumber.
  • If the toilet paper isn’t rough, the next thing that I find annoying is an empty toilet paper roll and there isn’t any spare toilet paper sitting on the back of the toilet. As a guest in someone else’s house, I don’t like looking in the cabinets or searching through their bathroom in order to try to find the toilet paper. If I can’t find any, then I am even more embarassed if I have to call someone to bail me out.
  • My youngest has been potty trained for several months but when he decides to try to wipe his own bottom, he is notorious for using way too much toilet paper. Don’t worry all kids go through this phase until they learn how to properly wipe their own bottom and until they figure it out you will have to deal with a few clogged toilets. Of course, I am always afraid that he will clog up someone else’s toilet and there won’t be a plunger to unclog it or the toilet will overflow. We all know that a clogged or overflowing toilet can put a major damper on holiday gatherings. Charmin is approved by Rotor Rooter, so if your child decides to put too much toilet paper in the toilet you won’t have to worry about a clogged toilet. Of course if you stock your bathroom with another brand, you should be prepared for clogged toilets: store the plunger behind the toilet so that it is easily accessible by your guests and program your plumber’s number on speed dial (plus you will have to cross your fingers and hope that they make house calls on Christmas or New Year’s day).
  • Then there are those times when I have those messy occasions and toilet paper isn’t enough. Then I have to try and attempt to clean my bottom with damp toilet paper. As you know, damp toilet paper usually ends up crumbling and leaving another mess on my bottom. Then I feel like those bears that you see on the Charmin commercial with the toilet paper remnants left on their fur. Pick up some of Charmin Freshmates. They are flush-able wipes that can help clean up messy situations.
  • I know that I am embarrassed if I have to leave someone else’s bathroom stinky. Don’t forget to leave some air fresher in the bathroom for guests to spray to cover up any embarrassing odors.
  • I find it annoying to find an empty soap dispenser when I need to wash my hands. Make sure that your soap dispenser is full so that your guests don’t have to worry about having dirty hands.
  • Have you ever had to wipe your hands on your pants because the hostess forgot to leave a hand towel for their guests? I have and it isn’t a pleasant experience. Plus, the other guests are probably wondering why the back of your pants are wet after you come out of the bathroom.
  • Always empty the trashcan so that your guests have a place to throw away necessities like diapers, feminine products, or extra toilet paper. Plus, an empty trash can will keep your dog or a toddler from dragging embarrassing things all over the house or tearing up the trash. (This is one of Rhino’s – one of our dog favorite activities).
  • Hide things that you don’t want your guests to find or see if you only have one bathroom in the house. (*wink wink*)

If you are having guests over for the holidays, don’t forget to pick up some Charmin to make sure that your guests won’t have to deal with any of my bathroom pet peeves.

Don’t forget to visit Charmin’s website for more information on their products and clog-free guarantee. Don’t forget to follow Charmin on Facebook and Twitter.

Photo Credit: Flickr via Creative Commons