Avoid Ink Cartridges Issues for the Canon Maxify Printers

By Smadison

For its functionality, the Canon Maxify series printers use the "Printhead protection system"; despite the situations where the printheads might be compromised, then the Maxify printers will go into lockdown. As a result, the printer cartridges cannot be accessed or changed till the printer is convinced the printhead no longer has a damaging threat.

The Maxify printers monitor the internal pressure of the Canon Printer Ink system and its purge pump ensures the ink flow within the printer system is not compromised. When the pressure fluctuates a lot, then it is an indication the ink is not flowing well through the printhead, so the small resistors present in the thermal printhead is sure to overheat and destroy the printhead.

In theory, the setup is great to protect the printhead since it is the printer's weakest part. Nevertheless, it even introduces some issues altogether.

The Ways to Avoid Ink Cartridge Issues with Canon Maxify Printers 

One of the productive ways to avoid the issues related to the Canon Maxify printers making sure that the ink cartridges are correctly installed. If anything will compromise the proper cartridge installation, then the Maxify printers will trigger their printhead protection utility. With the non-genuine printer ink cartridges being installed in the Maxify printers, will bring up a major difference that these have two plastic membranes at the cartridge's front apart from the valve.

These must not be tampered or removed under any circumstances. When the Canon printer ink cartridges are installed into the printer, then the printer itself will pierce them and make a tight seal against the inlet valve of the printer. If the seal is tampered with, then the printer will either not correctly print or it might be into lockdown with the cutting in of the printhead protection. The reason behind its occurrence is tampering with them ceases the printer to seal correctly and hence the purge pump cannot exert enough pressure and pull the ink directly into the printhead.

There is another problem likely to come up if these membranes ever tamper, is the cartridges are going to leak and the printheads will clog eventually because of lack of pressure available in the purge pump.

The generic printers can be used in the Canon Maxify printers as long as the ink cartridges are correctly installed for perfect performance. But the best and safe move is to use the Canon Printer Inks from the reputed online store because these inks in the Canon printer ink cartridge are of high-quality ink based on pigments.