Avocado Hearts on Toast

By Mimiavocado

Are you an Avocado Toast lover?  If you haven’t tried avocado toast yet,  it’s time to discover a new love in your life!  And to make it extra special, add Avocado Hearts!

We have fallen in love with this Asiago Parmesan Bread from a local bakery, but any healthy bread will work.  Need Gluten Free?  Use a gluten free bread to make your toast!   Cut a thick slice and slip it into the toaster  until it is perfectly browned and the aroma of the cheese is calling your name.

Slice an extra large California avocado in half,  remove the seed, and cut once more so the avocado is in quarters.  These are the Fuerte variety of  avocados, in season from December until March in California.   Easy to peel and full of flavor right now!

Using  small cookie cutters,  cut hearts in various thicknesses.  You can always slice an extra thick heart through the center to  create two hearts. Mash up the remaining avocado and spread it on the toast.  Top with avocado hearts and your favorite seasonings!

I love making Avocado Hearts to use on salads too.   Some Butter Lettuce, Avocado Hearts, and Champagne Pear Vinaigrette dressing adds a bit of Valentine’s Day flavor to a simple casserole!

I have a big set of heart cookie cutters but the smallest ones are best for avocados.   Look for the largest avocados so you can make larger avocado hearts!

I’d love to hear about your adventures with avocado hearts!  Use them to garnish any dish with avocados!

Note:  Need jumbo avocados and having trouble finding them in stores?  Visit our family farm website California Avocados Direct and we’ll ship them direct to you via Priority Mail!