Avocado Extract: 3 Amazing Health Benefits

Posted on the 30 June 2020 by James Denlinger @bulksuppjames

What is Avocado Extract?

Avocado extract is produced from the fruits of Persea gratissima Gaertn and is sourced from a vitamin-rich fruit. Often described as the oil obtained from an avocado through either cold press extraction – which produces thick, green oil – or a heat extraction (which produces clear, yellow oil), avocado extract is the result of the pulp and seed discarded from the fruit, along with the fiber, with most of the healthy fats, minerals and vitamins remaining present in the oil. The heat process can degrade some of the nutrients, thus the reason many experts say extraction via the cold press method is “nutritionally richer.” (x

A bevvy of beauty products also use avocado extract, including masks, face creams, cleansers, lotions and hair care products, while cooking with avocado remains a tasty and healthy way to reduce cholesterol. In fact, it is suggested by some medical professionals that every diet should contain a small daily dose of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats such as those found in avocados, the fruit also boasting beta-sitosterol-red, a cholesterol-fighting element (x). 

There has been some progress in the study of avocado extract as an effective weight loss aid, as well – an area we will explore in greater detail later on – what with the good fats found in avocados known to increase metabolism; limited studies indicate that avocados reduce the craving for carbohydrates and interact with the pancreas to lower the production of insulin.

In this overview, we will cover topics ranging from avocado seed extract and avocado extract pills to avocado extract powder, avocado extract capsules, avocado sugar extract supplements, avocado supplements for weight loss and avocado extract for skin.

Avocado Seed Extract

According to Penn State researchers, an extract from the seeds of avocados exhibited anti-inflammatory properties in a laboratory study, representing a potential source for novel anti-inflammatory compounds that could be developed as a functional food ingredient or even for pharmaceutical elements (x). [Deepti Dabas, Gregory R. Ziegler, Joshua D. Lambert. Anti-Inflammatory Properties of a Colored Avocado Seed Extract. Advances in Food Technology and Nutritional Sciences – Open Journal, 2019; 5 (1): 8 DOI: 10.17140/AFTNSOJ-5-151]

But, at the heart of it all, what can be said about avocado seeds? Each avocado has a single large seed that is normally tossed away, though there are some who believe the seeds bring with them health benefits (such as the aforementioned anti-inflammatory properties) and should be eaten. To get right to the point, an avocado seed is encased in a hard shell and comprises 13 to 18-percent of the size of the whole fruit, and while information about its composition is limited, we know that it does contain a good range of fatty acids, dietary fiber, carbs and a small amount of protein (x) (xx) (xxx) (xxxx).

Avocado Extract Pills/Avocado Extract Capsules

When taken by mouth, avocado is likely safe for most people when the fruit is eaten in typical food amounts; while there is not enough reliable information regarding the safety of it when taken by mouth as a medicine, avocado extract pills are available in capsule form to be taken as a supplement. Further, avocado is possibly safe when applied to the skin for up to three months, and generally has few side effects (though we have heard of cases wherein individuals who used a specific avocado oil plus vitamin B12 cream for psoriasis reported mild itching).

Avocado Extract Powder

There are many benefits to adding avocado oil or powder to food, health and beauty products; in the area of cooking, the powder can be used to create a fiesta of distinctively-flavored dishes, dips and dressings – without having to deal with blackened pulps, skinning and pitting avocados.

Most avocado powders smell like and boast the same nutrients as fresh avocado, and can be used conservatively for flavor and coloring purposes. [Olushola AI et al. Biochemical Effects of Aqueous Extract of Persea americana (Mill) on the Myocardium of Left Ventricle of High Salt-Fed Adult Wistar Rats. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2017 Oct;22(4):765-769. Rao US, Adinew B. Remnant B-cell-stimulative and anti-oxidative effects of Persea americana fruit extract studied in rats introduced into streptozotocin – induced hyperglycaemic state. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2011;8(3):210-7]

Avocado Sugar Extract Supplements

The sugar extract of the avocado fruit is considered the richest natural source of d-mannoheptulose, a seven-carbon sugar, and research suggests that avocado sugar extract inhibits glucose-induced insulin release. Generally speaking, avocado sugar extract is often used to treat obesity, but we must point out that there is not enough scientific evidence to assign an effectiveness rating to this approach. 

With regard to safety, avocado sugar extract supplements should be avoided by children, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Avocado sugar extract may increase blood sugar levels and should be avoided by diabetics; to this end, its impact on blood sugar levels can also affect surgical procedures (and so patients should stop taking avocado sugar extract at least two weeks before a procedure). 

To this day, there seems to be insufficient evidence concerning the side effects of the extract (x). 

Avocado Extract for Weight Loss

It’s a question we hear often around our offices: “Are avocados useful for weight loss?”

The truth of the matter is, some experts believe the healthy fats in them are perfect for losing weight. 

The following are some informational tidbits relating to avocado and avocado extract for weight loss:

  • Avocados are High in Heart-Healthy Fats – Avocados contain mostly monounsaturated fat, plus a small amount of saturated fat and polyunsaturated fat, as we hinted at earlier. Most of that monounsaturated fat is oleic acid, the same fatty acid found in olives and olive oil, and this type of fat is considered to be very healthy.
  • Avocados Can Help You Feel Full Longer – Avocados are high in both fat and fiber, meaning they should have a strong effect on feelings of fullness (x) (xx). 
  • Avocados May Help with Weight Maintenance – A large observational study examined the nutritional patterns of Americans and found that those who ate them tended to have healthier diets, a lower risk of metabolic syndrome and a lower body weight than those who didn’t (x). 

Avocado Extract for Skin

Avocado extract and oil is thought to bring with it numerous benefits for the skin, including moisture for dry hands or acting as a natural sunblock. It can be applied directly to the skin or mixed with a favorite beauty product, its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents helping the skin stay smooth, strong and elastic. 

In essence, avocado or avocado extract can be used to:

  • Calm itchy skin
  • Heal chapped skin
  • Replenish dry skin
  • Hydrate and moisturize skin
  • Shield skin from ultraviolet radiation
  • Protect against skin damage

Avocado Extract Tablets: Where to Buy

You can purchase avocado extract tablets at BulkSupplements.com. The company is an industry-leading manufacturer and distributor for pure dietary supplements. BulkSupplements.com is not just a consumer brand. It also supplies pure ingredients to other brands that distribute food and other supplement products. All products at BulkSupplements.com are manufactured and tested according to current and proper manufacturing practices.

Are you interested in trying avocado extract tablets? Contact BulkSupplements.com to place an order today.

Bottom Line

Avocado extract is produced from the fruits of Persea gratissima Gaertn and is sourced from a vitamin-rich fruit. Often described as the oil obtained from an avocado through either cold press extraction – which produces thick, green oil – or a heat extraction (which produces clear, yellow oil), avocado extract is the result of the pulp and seed discarded from the fruit, along with the fiber, with most of the healthy fats, minerals and vitamins remaining present in the oil. The heat process can degrade some of the nutrients, thus the reason many experts say extract via the cold press method is “nutritionally richer.”

A bevvy of beauty products also use avocado extract, including masks, face creams, cleansers, lotions and hair care products, while cooking with avocado remains a tasty and healthy way to reduce cholesterol. In fact, it is suggested by some medical professionals that every diet should contain a small daily dose of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats such as those found in avocados, the fruit also boasting beta-sitosterol-red, a cholesterol-fighting element.

There has been some progress in the study of the extract as an effective weight loss aid, as well – an area we will explore in greater detail later on – what with the good fats found in avocados known to increase metabolism; limited studies indicate that avocados reduce the craving for carbohydrates and interact with the pancreas to lower the production of insulin.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.