Negombo Divisional Crime Investigation Bureau has arrested an individual who was allegedly involved in the arson attack on Avendra Garden Hotel in Negombo and looted its property, with a stock of gold worth Rs. 6.9 million.
The suspect is a resident of Fathima Pura, Kotarammulla in Koswatte.
Police said that the suspect as among those who were involved in setting the hotel on fire. He has taken away a large amount of foreign currency along with a stock of jewelry from the hotel.
It has been revealed during the interrogation that the suspect had converted US$ 10,000 to Sri Lankan rupees through a businessman in Colombo and the jewelry has been sold to a jewelry shop in Kuliyapitiya
Police investigators found 334 grams and 93 milligrams of gold jewelry from the shop. The current market value of the gold is around Rs. 6.9 million
Saturday, June 18, 2022 – 01:12