Selecting an avatar to represent your business online is an important decision. The avatar should be eye-catching and should visually describe the nature of your business.
I've tried three different avatars for Etsy but used a photo of myself for Facebook, ArtFire and this blog until today. My previous Etsy avatar was a photo of my hand dyed fabric draped across a mannequin.
I loved the fabric but wasn't sure the picture said "this is sewing fabric." And I had taken the photo with a blue background, not consistent at all with my current fabric and scarf photos.
Using my own photo for the other sites wasn't a good idea. Every time I saw them and the Etsy avatar, I knew I had to make a change.
At some point in my pattern browsing I fell in love with Simplicity 2364, especially the one shoulder top with one sleeve.
I might retake the picture and get a little more of the length but I'll have to do it quickly. On the 4th I had dinner with my son, his girlfriend, Chelsea, and her parents. She tried it on and it fit her perfectly. Even better, everyone loved it on her. So, an avatar and a belated birthday gift all in one!
Had to bring the top home to add a little elastic to the top edge. It is recommended in the pattern but I wanted to see if we could do without it. It's really needed to prevent any gaps near the underarm.
I'm really happy with the new avatar and will be interested to hear whether others think it relates to my hand dyeing business.