Autumnal Nurseries at Malvern

By Patientgardener @patientgardener

I said I would show you some of the nursery stands at the Malvern Autumn Show so here we go.  Firstly I must apologize for the poor quality of the photographs, as I said in my last post on Malvern I had my 7 year niece with me who declared plats were boring so my window of opportunity was short plus it seems the lighting was worse than I expected.

With my growing interest in alpines I was immediately attracted to the Edrom Nurseries stand but I suspect this would have drawn me any way since it was a mass of gentiana and I hadn’t realised that there was such a wealth of gentianas, lots of different shades of blue.

I particularly liked the display by D’Arcy and Everest from Cumbria.  Lots of food for thought on how to plant up my first trough which is lurking on my patio.

This was my favorite ‘trough’ it looks so simple at first glance but in fact it is  very intricate and very clever – I am aspiring to create something similar.

I was also drawn to the Tale Valley stand as I have a weakness for ferns and I was also curious to see if they had any Bergenias for sale, like the one you can see in the background, as I had been particularly taken with them at The Garden House the week before but my niece was having none of that and we moved swiftly on.  Just think how much she saved me!

I also managed a fleeting glance at the Kelnan Plants stand.  I do love South African plants and try to grow a few but not having a very large greenhouse, overwintering them is troublesome.

So that is my brief review of the nurseries at the Malvern Autumn Show – maybe next year I will get more of a chance to peruse the displays but at least this year I had the ‘delight’ of seeing all the various rabbits, numerous dogs and livestock!