Autumn Tints at High Beeches Garden

By Ronniejt28 @hurtledto60

I have always thought as a solitary occupation, it is easier to go for a walk with a dog. somehow it’s less obvious that you are on your own.  Today I realised that another acceptable solitary occupation is carrying a tripod when taking photos.   Who wants to hang around waiting while your companion is fiddling with tripod legs and apertures?

Today I have done two new things.  I went to High Beeches Garden, near Handcross because October is that wonderful time of the year when the trees turn color into what is known as the Autumn Tints.   It is still early and the trees are only  just turning but nevertheless there are some stunning colours even now.    Although I have lived in Sussex for over 30 years  I am ashamed to say this was my first visit to High Beeches,  27 acres of woodland and what a splendid woodland garden it is.

The second new thing today was that I took a tripod with me.  This was the first time I have used one,  it took a while to work out how to set up it and when I finally cracked it, I found it was a great way to take photos.

I won’t give you a wordy tour of the garden, but leave you to enjoy the colours.    By the middle of October the trees are expected to be at their very best, but I like the way they were just turning with a combination of greens, yellows, oranges, reds and bronze.

Breathtaking, and they will only get better in the next week or two.    It is not just the trees that are turning, there are some interesting bog plants and grasses taking on the autumn mantle, such as the Miscanthus.

As I crossed one of the many little bridges that go over the stream that runs though High Beeches, I was captured by the brilliant  red leaves of the Damera Peltata (Umbrella Plant)  growing on the side of a boggy bank.

When I made my way back up the hill to the exit, it was with a double take, that I saw magnolias out.   Fortunately, there was a label which said Magnolia Grandiflora “Goliath”.  I always thought magnolias flowered in spring, but this one flowers from June to September and it was still was producing buds which, true to its name,  were enormous.

Back to autumn colours again, we are all aware of how impressive hydrangeas are at this time of the year.   There were many in High Beeches but I only saw one that was this fabulous color.

I am hoping that the weekend of the middle of October is sunny because it is my intention to return to High Beeches to capture and share with you the full range of autumn tints.

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