Autumn in New York (2000) Review

Posted on the 22 November 2015 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Will is an aging playboy whose world is flipped upside down when he meets Charlotte a young woman who is terminally ill.

This is a film I have tried to catch quite a few times on TV but always seemed to have missed the start. I have always been a big Richard Gere fan so this one really did interest me a lot. I eventually got round to watching it this morning having had it on my planner for a few weeks now. Something with a relationship between an older man and younger woman is certainly something I was curious to watch, I much prefer older men.

It turned out to be not quite as expected as Will does not seem to be able to escape his womanizing lifestyle and I really thought the roof scene was so cruel, especially the fact he was then with Charlotte moments after. It really was a heartbreaking moment, would you have forgiven him for that? Was it because he was scared, I guess we can all relate to having a moment like that in our lives at some point? If it is not something that has happened to you then I certainly hope it never does.

Anyway moving on from that we see Will eventually decide to try harder and that he can have love in his life. As well as Charlotte he is reconnecting with his estranged daughter Lisa and it really does appear he has turned the corner as he really fights to find a doctor to perform the very difficult and tricky surgery when Charlotte will really need it. If that doesn’t prove love then I am not really sure what will? The thing is though the film does have such a cute and nice thing around it. However, it also has a strange pull with the fact that Charlotte’s mother was pretty much in love with Will. Just a little strange turn I wasn’t expecting and in all honesty I think it made a few parts a little creepy. I don’t think that was really needed in the story.

Like most films that are based in New York we get some fantastic shots of the skyline and different places in the city. I really do think that it creates such a magical film setting. It’s one of those places that you visit and believe that you have already been before.

Charlotte’s Grandmother Dolly played by Elaine Stritch added some comedy moments with some fantastically delivered lines which I thought kept the tone of the film a little bit lighter especially considering Charlotte was dying. Also have to mention in a smaller role J.K. Simmons as a doctor, he really is brilliant even in something for a minutes such screen presence.

I am not saying that you should rush out and watch this film as soon as possible, but if you ever see it on TV and fancy something pretty light and heartwarming to watch then why not give it a try? It is about discovery and knowing that you can change the way you live, especially if it means being with someone who you love.