Autumn Greens Sowing

By Scarecrow

Early January and it's time to get the Autumn greens started...

Greens Sowing 3/1/17:
Broccoli Romansco ES
Broccoli Umpqua SO
Collards Georgia Southern ES
Cabbage Red Express SO
Cabbage Tronchuda ES
Lettuce Dov SO
Lettuce Red Romaine ES
Kale Dwarf Siberian ES
Kale Jagallo Nero Mr F
Kale Scottish ES

First we had to repair the seedling stand. This unit has been out in all the weather for a few years now and the side struts had started to rust through. With the winds this year most have snapped off.

Doc came to the rescue with some old conduit pipe (bought for another task but wasn't suited) and made new struts. All fixed and ready to protect the new seedlings as they grow. Most of the seedlings are brassicas and as such can be wiped out in their early growth by cabbage moth caterpillars...this stand is covered with Vege Net to keep the moths off.

Planted out:
On the edge of Beds 23 and 18
Climbing Beans Rattlesnake D
Climbing Beans Purple King D
Climbing Beans Butter GP

Seed Suppliers:
SO Select Organic
ES Eden Seeds
Mr Fothergills
D Diggers Club
GP Grower's Pride

Golden and Black Beauty Zucchini, Lettuces, Rainbow Silverbeet (Chard), Strawberries, the first of the Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Spring Onions and Potato Onions, and the first few Plums.