Autumn Garden and Home Preparation Tips

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Autumn garden and home preparation tips

Autumn is here and, if you have not already, it's time to get your home ready for the colder months. While this might seem like quite the chore, rest assured that with these autumn garden and home tips, you will be ready for winter in no time! By preparing in advance, you will save yourself plenty of trouble in winter and the following spring season.

Outdoor cleaning

While cleaning up inside can wait for a rainy day, outdoor cleaning should be done as soon as possible. Fallen leaves may look beautiful in your autumn garden but they can cause serious problems in terms of drainage. Take some time to clean out your gutters to ensure that you don't have rain water or melting snow spilling over the edges. Rake up leaves in your garden and do some last minute cleaning up before winter. Remove any dead or dying plants, place them on your compost heap and discard any plants that are showing signs of disease. Now is also the time to plant those bulbs so that they can rest over the winter and start to grow in the spring season.

Get rid of that clutter

A cluttered home can affect your mental and emotional state. Instead of trying to declutter your entire home all at once, focus on one room at a time. This way, you will not feel overwhelmed and you can really take the time needed to discard or donate anything you don't need anymore. Be patient since this part of autumn garden and home preparation may feel tedious, but it will be worthwhile in the end.

Pre-holiday clean

While decluttering, take the time to give your home a thorough clean from top to bottom. This is yet another reason why autumn garden and home preparation takes time. If you clean as you declutter, you will 'kill two birds with one stone' as the saying goes. Your home will also smell fresh and clean, just as it should!

Storage of items

During the winter months, you will most likely not spend too much time in your garden. Garden furniture can be damaged by the colder weather which is why it is best to store them appropriately until spring arrives. Make sure that you wipe everything down before storing so that you don't have too much cleaning to do in the spring.

By performing proper autumn garden and home preparation, you will be able to really enjoy the holiday season ahead and not worry about rushing to tidy up when guests arrive unexpectedly. Your home and garden will look their best and you will be able to find whatever you need that much easier without all the clutter getting in your way.