Autumn Colours Reflected in Loch Dochart

By Ros @scotlandphohos

Autumn colours reflected

Here’s another landscape photo from last weekend’s trip north. I’d decided to head to Loch Awe to capture the autumn colours reflected in various lochs along the route. It was perfect weather – still, and largely sunny, but with wisps of mist in the morning and early evening.

I was determined to stop on the stretch of road approaching Crianlarich. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve admired the fleetingly glimpsed views through the trees to the loch to the north of the road. On the journey North, this was all still swathed in a heavy mist, but by the time I was wending my way home, the air had cleared and the sun was out.

For all the times I have gazed longingly at the reflections here as the car whizzed southwards, I hadn’t even realised it was a separate loch from Loch Lubhair, just a short distance further east along the road.. I pulled into a layby and squelched down to the side of the loch, to be greeted by a completely perfect mirror-like loch surface, reflecting some vivid autumnal colours, and skies with white puffy clouds.

The hills and golden trees on the opposite shore took my interest for a while, but it didn’t take me too long to gaze up to the right, and admire this view.