About the Author:
Find out more at http://universalcoopetition.com/
What are these two related books about?
The Tortoise Shell Code is a high-seas legal/crime thriller, with romance, fisticuffs, prison breakouts, revolution, all with a philosophical twist – that of co-opetition.
Universal Co-opetition is a non-fiction work. It explains the axiom that we can better resolve issues and problems if we cooperate while we compete. I mean by that: we synthesize the behaviors of cooperating and competing into one dynamic. For example when we compete in business we’d better do it ethically or customers will evaporate.
Who is the intended audience?
The audience would be pretty broad from the standpoint of those seeking inhalation of pure entertainment, but I would hope the deep thinkers out there would grasp and appreciate the universal application of the theory of co-opetition. Throughout the book I seed the story with concepts from my non-fiction work Universal Co-opetition. What’s wrong with employing the techniques of Orwell, Ayn Rand, and Huxley et al? Never could I rise to their stratosphere, but one shouldn’t shirk from the inspiration they gave.
Why did you choose to write a crime thriller?
The Tortoise Shell Code novelized the concept of my non-fiction work Universal Co-opetition. I felt that a high-seas crime/legal thriller is the way to it.
What was your experience with publication? Did self-doubt creep in at any point?
Early editors of publishing houses liked the concept of Universal Co-opetition, but did not have the courage to take a shot at it. Many years later some of my followers and others adopted the concept to business theory. It exploded from there. I find it now cited in the search engines by a hundred different authors. No. I never experienced self-doubts, only frustration because of delay getting out the concept.
Where do you write?
I write at home in my studio where I enjoy sculpting phrases on my word processor. From there, it’s a short drive to the coffee shop discussions or to the back yard pool – I am in Southern California, you see.
How did you prepare yourself for writing these books?
I attended workshops on writing, read how-to books and combined those with my personal adventure experiences and those of friends and acquaintances. As a child, I have to admit, I was a book worm. Getting to high school and beyond, I gravitated to athletics – wrestling, track, cross-country, sailing, horsemanship, snow skiing, scuba diver, but always a book worm.
Who is your publisher and how did you get accepted by them? And did you pitch your book yourself or go through an agent?
I pitched my book myself and was fortunate that the publisher, Bettie Youngs Books and her top editor Mark Clements, actually read it. Their enthusiasm pleasantly surprised me.
If you could give one book promotion tip to new authors, what would that be?
If you know what you have is good, somehow let the readers know that. Persevere.
What are you working on now?
I’d like to have The Tortoise Shell Code made into a movie. Other than that I have a few manuscripts about regression in time and ghosts. One set in Alaska and California and one sent in Europe and California.
About the Book:
Now Anthony must pull together all his resources to find the truth in what has happened and free a wrongly accused man—as well as untangle himself. Fighting despair, he finds that the recent events have called much larger issues into question. As he struggles to right this terrible wrong, Anthony makes new and enlightening discoveries in his own life-long battle for personal and global justice.
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