Author Interview: Judy Croome: Dancing In The Shadows Of Love: The Weight Of A Feather: A Lamp At Midday

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters
Judy Croome lives and writes in Johannesburg, South Africa. Shortlisted in the African Writing Flash Fiction 2011 competition, Judy’s short stories and poems have appeared in various magazines and anthologies, both local and international, such asThe Huffington PostHer books "The Weight of a Feather and other stories" (2013); “a Lamp at Midday” (2012) and “Dancing in the Shadows of Love” (2011) arecurrently availableJudy loves her family, cats, exploring the meaning of life, chocolate, cats, rainy days, ancient churches with their ancient graveyards, cats, meditation and solitude. Oh, and cats. Judy loves cats (who already appear to have discovered the meaning of life.)  Visit Judy at or join her on Twitter@judy_croome Here is a TV interview with me about one of my books – you can get the embed code for your blog from YouTube  Your real name and pen name?  The same – Judy Croome About your education  I have a Masters degree in English but I continue to educate myself by taking a few on-line webinars and other courses on writing every year. What career did you plan during your education days I planned to be an accountant and was one for over twenty years before I changed careers, first to an evolutionary astrologer and then to a writer. What languages you can speak and write?  English and Afrikaans What is your biggest source of inspiration in life?  I want to make a difference in the world. Even if that difference is a tiny change in the universal scheme of things, I’m inspired by the thought that maybe, somewhere, some day, some person will read my words and feel their world shift. What hurts you most in this world  Man’s cruelty to animals, which is why I’m a vegetarian.
If you had to live a day of your life as one of the living or dead personality, who would it be and why?  William Shakespeare – because I want to feel how a genius writes. If you look beyond the Elizabethan English, Shakespeare’s themes and characterisations are as relevant today as they were then. Baz Lehman’s production of “Romeo and Juliet” starring Leonardi di Caprio and Clare Danes proved how timeless Shakespeare’s writing is. What is the purpose of your writing?  From my website:
Which of your work has been published so far? I’ve had 3 books published.  Would you like to share a synopsis of your work? You can find the book trailers here
What are your forthcoming writings?  A non-fiction project with my husband, while I research my next full length novel. What genres you write in and why?  So far I’ve written fiction (a cross-genre book which is a kind of mix of literary, magical realism and spiritual), poetry and short stories. Next I’ll work on non-fiction, and then I’ll return to fiction. What keeps you motivating towards writing?  In my “Letter to a Young Writer” I explain why I keep writing. How do you plan, schedule and monitor your writing commitments?  Erratically! What are your future plans?  I’ve given myself off from writing until the end of 2014 to restore peace to my soul, and then I’ll finish the non-fiction work, followed by another novel, this second novel will be about child murders. How much real life goes into a fiction writing?  A lot! Even writing that deals with Orcs or Zombies, must have elements of real life (even if it’s only the internal life of a character) so that the readers can relate to the story. Is high level of imagination important to have for an Author?  Writing is a more intellectual process than the other creative arts. Each creative art has its own “intellectual” technique, that is, the learned part of the craft. But when it comes to the creative alchemy of imagination, words are more of the intellect than music or paintings.  Artists and musicians to create, have to move into a space beyond the mind (where imagination resides) rather than work through the mind to create, as writers must do. The best goal for an author is to aim for a balance between intellect, writing technique and creative imagination.  Your origin of birth and other countries you have visited/ stayed Zimbabwe.Currently live in South Africa. Have been to Lesotho, United Kingdom (often), Austria, Croatia, Switzerland (twice), Israel, Egypt, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia. What best things you liked in these countries around the globe?  That despite our external differences such as culture, race, religion or gender, human beings are not so very different after all. Your favorite time of the day?  Early morning! Your zodiac/ sunsign?  I used to do evolutionary astrology consultations, so asking for just my sunsign isn’t enough for me! I’m a Sagittarius Sun in 10th house, Pisces Moon in 1st house and my Ascendant is Aquarius. I also have a stellium in Scorpio in the 9th house (including Jupiter one of my two ruling planets!) And I’m sure that’s far more than you wanted to know about my natal astrology chart! Your favorite color and why?  Pink, because it’s gentle. What is the last book you finished reading?  The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold What is the current book you are reading?  The Round House by Louise Erdrich Your favorite book and why?  Impossible to say – there have been too many books over the years that have had a profound influence on me for me to single out just one. Your favorite movie and why?  As with books, it’s impossible to say – there have been too many movies over the years that have had a profound influence on me. A couple of brilliant movies that we watched recently include the Japanese movie “Departures”(2008) from director Yojiro Takita Starring Masahiro Motoki and Ryoko Hirosue, it’s about a cellist who finds himself unemployed when his orchestra is disbanded and he can only find employment as a  “Nokanshi”, a person who ritually prepares the dead for burial. Such a gorgeous movie! Another great movie is “La Vallée des Fleurs” (2006).This one is directed by Indian director Pan Nalin starring Indian actors Milind Soman, Naseeruddin Shah and French actress Mylene Jampanoi in the leading roles. Set in the Himalayas, it’s a romantic tale of reincarnation, and spans two centuries of time. Fascinating, with wonderful acting and some challenging themes. Your favorite celebrity and why?  I don’t do celebrity worship. Your favorite sports?   Exercise is my idea of hell, so I’m not really into sports … except for once a year I become a Le Tour de France cycling fanatic. What is the force that drives you?  The spiritual evolution of my soul towards a Divine perfection –when the going gets tough, I tell myself it’s the journey that counts! What comes to your mind when you think of India?  Like South Africa, India is a land of contrasts: the deep spirituality of the Ashrams versus the poor treatment of women (watch the Elements trilogy, a trilogy of films – Earth, Fire, Water – by Indian film-maker Deepa Mehta.)  The vibrant colour of the clothes versus the stark heat of the landscape. The glitter of Bollywood versus the poverty of the masses. Yes, India and South Africa have strong similarities. First thing you do in the morning after waking up?  Give my cat Shadow a hug. Last thing to do before sleep? Give my cat Shadow a hug! If one fine morning you wake up and find your sex changed to opposite, what will be your first reaction?  Interesting question, as I have a strong interest in gender issues. Watch the outstanding and gut wrenching movie XXY (2007) written & directed by Lucía Puenzothe film is about a young intersex person and explores the issues surrounding this condition. What would I do if I woke up a man?  I can tell you I wouldn’t be happy! Men in western societies get a tough deal these days. It’s easier being a woman today, although there are many parts of the world where significant freedom for women is still lacking and needs to be addressed. I think I’d rather stay exactly as I am, thanks! State your signature line/ tagline/ best quote
Links & other relevant details: Publisher: Aztar Press Twitter handle: @judy_croome   Facebook page: Judy Croome Facebook Page Goodreads author page: Linked IN – Connect with Judy Croome on Linked In Amazon link: Judy Croome Amazon Author Page Any other links: