By Mba @mbartoloabela

Below is an interview we just had with one of our female authors, the Jordanian-American poet and Huffington Post Passionista Hadel S. Ma'ayeh. Ma'ayeh is the author of From the Heart: A Journey of Love (2014, Hope & Life Press), a book of poems, haikus, and sayings available in paperback and ebook editions from major booksellers worldwide and directly from ourselves at Hope and Life Press.

Q: Hadel, when did you first start writing?

I started to write poems at the age of nine. I was reading assorted works by poets such as Emily Dickinson, Edgar Allen Poe, Khalil Gibran, David Frost and many more. I was intrigued so much by their emotional effects and descriptive words that it influenced me to write my own poems. I have been writing ever since.

In all honesty, this book of poems and haikus is a collection from my journals for 20+ years. I am inspired by my surroundings as well as my family and friends. I jot down in my journal a particular event or moment in life that emotionally touched my heart and soul, whether happiness, sadness, anger, frustration, or humor.

Q: What motivated you to become an author?

I was lucky enough to receive encouragement by family and friends, and by visitors online. I shared my personal poems online for the love of poetry and writing in general, and the outpouring of positive words pushed me more to become an author, but mainly a writer/poet.

Q: What is the greatest joy for you in writing?

If I could inspire even one person to affect their lives in some way or another, then I accomplished my goal in writing my poems. This, in return, gives me enjoyment to continue to write poems and other assorted works.

Q: Do you remember the first thing you ever wrote? What was it like for you?

My first poems Life and Souls were published in the local paper after having been submitted by my then high-school English teacher, Richard McNally (God rest his soul). That was the backbone of my motivation and encouragement to write poems. It was an amazing feeling and a positive support that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Q: Where did you grow up? How did that influence your writing?

I was fortunate to be raised in Madaba, Jordan until the age of four, then again at the age of six. Most of my childhood and adult life, I was raised, educated, and worked in the United States. Of course, having both cultures influenced my writing to a great degree. I am capable of expressing my memories through my senses from a particular moment in life that might have been dramatic, such as wars or celebrations.

Q: How do you spend your time when you are not writing?

My first love in life is dancing so I continue to dance, to keep myself motivated and fit. I also enjoy reading books, fiction and non-fiction. I must confess that I am a Sci-Fi geek, so the weekends are for catching up on my favorite Sci-Fi shows and/or movies.

Q: What do you read for pleasure?

Similar to my musical taste, I have an eclectic taste in books. I enjoy reading mysteries, thrillers, and supernatural as far as fiction books. Non-fiction, I like to read biographies, historical events, religion, politics, and poetry.

Q: What are your plans for the future?

To travel more and see more places for inspiration through cultures and wonderful, diverse group of people.