Author Interview: Andrew Milner: A Far Reaching Dream, The Hidden Path Home and Car School

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters
He was born in Leeds and lived in Pudsey until moving to the East coast of England in September 2007 where he has ever since. He has three children aged 25, 19 and 12. He has three books published and is working on more along with a couple of other projects which he will talk more about at a later date.
During his youth he was in a number of bands playing guitar and singing vocals. He also wrote songs for some of the bands. He called it a day due to family commitments and needed another hobby, and so he decided to start writing books to keep the brain active. His first book "A Far Reaching Dream" was completed and then left in a drawer until Lodge Books published it in January 2013.
He was also always interested in writing when he was young and would make up stories and newspaper articles. He enjoys the process of writing and the knowledge that his characters become alive for other people when they read his books. He combines his writing with working full time.
Welcome Andy! Your real name and pen name? I decided to use my real name of Andrew Milner. Please share some of the best memories of your childhood I had a great childhood. I grew up in Pudsey in Leeds UK and only a stone's throw from my house was countryside. In my first two books there are quite a lot of references to Fulneck in Pudsey where I grew up. It was the best playground for a child and we would constantly be playing out all the time. About your education I was a very average student at school but I always liked English. My English teacher at Pudsey Grangefield school was called Mrs. Lees and I will always be grateful to her for giving me the interest in writing. English was by far my favourite subject. What career did you plan during your education days I always wanted to be a rock star. I didn't quite make it. What languages you can speak and write? English What hurts you most in this world I hate seeing poorlychildren If you had to live a day of your life as one of the living or dead personality, who would it be and why? Got to be Elvis Presley. He was just the best ! What is your favorite genre and why? I quite like paranormal because I like being on the edge of your seat waiting for something to happen. I also like easy going romance because I'm a bit of a softie.
When did you start writing? What is the purpose of your writing? I was also always interested in writing and when I was young I would make up stories and newspaper articles for my fictitious rock band that I was in. Which of your work has been published so far? Would you like to share a synopsis of your work? I currently have three books published. A Far Reaching Dream - Kate Arlen is a beautiful young woman who has the whole of her life before her. She had been with her boyfriend for a number of years but tragically he, Pete Phillips, died in a car accident on the same night that Kate had confessed a secret to him. Kate tries hard to get on with her life but is held back because after a period of time Pete finds a way to enter her dreams, and it's whilst in one of her dreams she realises that Pete is trying to kill her, or so she thinks. Through another dream she finds out a family secret, something that comes back to help her later. Kate starts to find life a struggle and goes to see her Doctor. He recommends that she go to stay in a psychiatric hospital for a while just 'to rest'. It is whilst staying in the hospital that she meets someone who, unbeknown to her, helps unravel all the answers. One of the answers she finds through the family secret, but it's not that easy. There's still time for things to go wrong. The Hidden Path Home - (this is a sequel to A Far reaching Dream) Pete had returned from what he called a trip away, that not many people ever come back from, and had formed himself a new life. At work he meets Sam, the most beautiful woman he has seen, since his ex girlfriend Kate was in his life, and they fall in love. However, it's not long before Pete starts to have similar dreams to the ones that haunted Kate and right up until the wedding day she is in the background reminding Pete that she is there. As Pete walks through the doors of the room where the marriage is to be, nothing prepares him for the sight that awaits him. His trauma is only just beginning and ultimately he realises, that by putting pieces together in his mind, he has to choose which direction his future will take. Card School -A boarding school is not always the first choice for parents or children but Michael Dawson did not have the luxury of choice. At ten years of age he had to deal with the loss of both parents who had been abroad on a church mission. He never had the chance to say goodbye only see you later. He believed when they went, they would return, but they didn't. Not only having to contend with the biggest loss known to a child he was thrust into the full time guardianship of his uncaring Auntie who he had been staying with but only until his parents came back. Now they were not coming back his future had to be decided. When all hope is lost, the person he expects least of all to be there comes to the rescue, but is it all too little too late? What are your forthcoming writings? I am working on another book which currently does not have a title but something which I am enjoying writing. What genres you write in and why? I currently have a paranormal background to my books although this will not be a part of my next one. I just like to feel the hairs stand up on the back of my neck, I think it means that the books are hitting theright spot. I like romance and there is a hint of that in the first two books. We all want to be loved right? What keeps you motivating towards writing? The thought that people read my books which start out as ideas in my head is a massive compliment and this is what makes me want to write more. If Writing a Book is taken as a project, What are the key essentials you take care of in Project Management? You have to think of writing a book as building a house. Once it is finished you want people to look at it and like it enough to want to view it. Once they've viewed it you want them to buy it. It has to look nice on the outside and on the inside. The story has to have characters that readers can relate to. If you read a book and the characters are unbelievable and unrealistic it will make you put the book down. How do you plan, schedule and monitor your writing commitments? I am a single parent and work full time and it is sometimes very difficult to write and plan to write. I just write when I can but one of my favoured things is to get up early and write on a morning before the kids are up. I think I write better on a morning. What are your future plans? I have a few more books in the planning stage so hopefully they will move from my ideas folder to the project folder. I am also working on some children's books. What is generally your preference in reading – a paper book or ebook? And why? I like to hold the book so would go for paperback everytime. How much real life goes into a fiction writing? In my first two books there is quite a lot of my past in there. I have mentioned Fulneck, Pudsey Park and Greenside tunnel in them as these were all parts of my growing up. Is high level of imagination important to have for an Author? I think it helps to have a good imagination but people like to read stories that are believable and even in the paranormal genre people like to think that what you write about could happen. Sometimes if you go too deep, you might lose people. The majority of people like to read easy going books and ones which flow along with a very enjoyable storyline. Our lives are much faster than they were years ago with many added pressures on top, we like a book to take us into a different world but one that is easy to go with. Your dream destination on Earth? My two favorite places on earth would are Palma in Majorca and Bridgetown in Barbados but the United Kingdom is a gorgeous place when we have the nice weather. Your origin of birth and other countries you have visited/ stayed. What best things you liked in these countries around the globe? I was born in Leeds in the north of England which is a working class area. My parents split when I was young but my mom did a great job bringing me and my sister up and I had a fantastic childhood. I have traveled to a few different places on cruises and the Caribbean is a beautiful area that I remember fondly. Sitting in a bar watching the world go by in Barbados amongst them. A lot of people in the Caribbean don't have much but they are most welcoming. Your favorite time of the day? Early morning, being the first up. Your zodiac/ sun sign? I am a Taurus. Stubborn !
Your favorite color and why? I love green, it is a warm friendly color with many shades and a reminder of summer with leaves on the trees. What is the last book you finished reading? What is the current book you are reading? The last book I read was Stockings and Cellulite by Debbie Viggiano which was her first book. I will be reading more. The next book to read will be The Last Ramone Standing by Andy Hutchinson Your favorite book and why? I would have to say my favorite books would have to be fact ones about people who lived in the close circle of Elvis Presley. I am a big fan and love reading about the life inside Gracelands and being a close and personal friend of Elvis. Your favorite movie and why? I love Grease. Great story and great music. Your favorite celebrity and why? Elvis Presley - He's just the best and will live on forever. Your favorite food? I pretty much like anything. Your favorite sports? I love football and Huddersfield Town is where it's at for me. What is the force that drives you? To be good and successful at what I do. What comes to your mind when you think of India? Fantastic buildings and beautiful smelling food. Princess Diana sitting at the Taj Mahal. Some quickies: Sun or Moon, Laughter or Smile, Morning or Evening, Coffee or Tea, Mountain or Sea, Long Drive or Short Drive, Silence or Conversation, Water or Fire, Air or Earth, Mars or Jupiter, Tulip or Rose, Red or Blue, Left or Right, Glance or Stare, Fame or Money, Boy or Girl, Day or Night, Tree or Plant, Love or Passion Sun / Laughter / Morning / Coffee / Sea / Long Drive / Silence / Water / Earth / Jupiter / Rose / Blue / Right / Glance / Fame / Girl / Day / Plant / Love First thing you do in the morning after waking up? Clean my teeth Last thing to do before sleep? Pray If one fine morning you wake up and find your sex changed to opposite, what will be your first reaction? "WOW" The last line of your autobiography would be… I just did my best The title of your autobiography would be… I just did my best
Links& other relevant details:
A FAR REACHING DREAM ISBN-10: 1291258280 ISBN-13: 978-1291258288 ASIN: Publisher: LODGE BOOKS 2013 Twitter handle: Facebook page: Goodreads author page: Amazon link:
THE HIDDEN PATH HOME ISBN-10: 1291668918 ISBN-13: 978-1291668919 ASIN: Publisher: LODGE BOOKS 2014 Twitter handle: Facebook page: Goodreads author page: Amazon link: CARD SCHOOL ISBN-10: 1326022989 ISBN-13: 978-1326022983 ASIN: Publisher: LODGE BOOKS 2014 Twitter handle: Facebook page: Goodreads author page:
Amazon link: