Author and Homeschool Mom MC Pearson Shares Her Story

By Writerinterrupted @writerinterrupt

Author and Homeschool Mom MC Pearson Shares Her StoryTell us a little about your family and your call to write.

I was working at a children’s home as a houseparent alongside my husband. We had two biological children and were living with them and 6 ‘at-risk’ youth at the time when I felt ‘the call’. I would write after everyone went to bed, sort of my ‘escape’ from reality–a coping mechanism from the stress. At first it was a sort of allegory about my life and the military, which I wrote solely for my own two boys. As it grew, it became so much more. No longer was it about me, but about spiritual warfare and teaching teens about the unseen world around us.

How did you get your first “writing break?”

I never really received a break. It became clear that young adult fantasy, at least in Christian publishing, was almost impossible to get published. One publisher had it for a year. It went through two committee meetings before it was finally rejected. I spent over 5 years trying. Then I realized that I’d have to do it myself. We saved and bought all the needed materials for designing and publishing books. We created a small press, FIRST Wild Card Press. It was 8 years in the making, but we are very excited about this new venture. After we learn more about publicity etc., we will start taking submissions. I do have two more books of my own and one from John Szeker that will be published in the next couple of years.

What do you write and why this genre?

I have loved fantasy and sci-fi ever since my 10th grade English teacher forced me to read The Once and Future King by T. H. White. Now, I am a fantasy/sci-fi geek. I love Star Wars, Stargate, Harry Potter, you name it. I also make sure that my books have humor in them. I don’t take myself too seriously. I like to have fun. As to why I write for teens? I have always had a special place in my heart for the youth of our world. I worked for 4 years as a houseparent, 2 years as a nanny, and have 2 children. They are our future. We need to love on them as much as we can.

Author and Homeschool Mom MC Pearson Shares Her StoryDo you have any recent contracts and up coming releases?

  • F.A.I.R.I.E.S.: Baptism by Fire by M C Pearson will be relased on December 5, 2011

Unwittingly chosen to join an army of fairies, who fight for the Light of the One, a teenaged girl learns about spiritual warfare as she attends a military academy with fantastical beings.

  • F.A.I.R.I.E.S.: Oh, Pixie Dust! by M C Pearson

Currently 1/3 way finished writing: Mellie continues her journey as a Chosen member of the FAIRIES, trying to learn why all the elves have disappeared…but something has gone horribly wrong. Her roommate, Lizzy, is no longer speaking to her. The supply scronger, Pooka, is more than strange. And when pixie named Morph decides to ‘help’, Mellie learns why pixies have been avoided by the Squads for so long.

  • Cheat Codes for Life by M C Pearson

Currently 1/3 of the way finished writing: When a gamergirl named Sarah decides to check out a new website that was recommended to her during an online chat, she goes from high school grunge to cheerleader in the time it takes to press ‘Enter’.

What do you hope to accomplish through your novels?

Mostly, I want to give people a fun story that everyone can read: Christians and non-Christians, young and old. To those already Christian, I want to bring awareness of the spiritual warfare that we should be battling everyday. To those who do not yet know the Lord, I want to give them the opportunity to hear His words and feel His call to them.

And now for the tough questions…

How do you balance being a mom, wife, and writer?

I homeschool my kids, so we are pretty relaxed here. Mostly, I’ll do my writing and drawing after everyone is in bed…when it is quiet. My kids are a great help with feedback and ideas. We will have brainstorming sessions in the car…some of the silliest things come about during these times. My husband is a wonderful support. He is a big reader, so his insight is always helpful. He also speaks several languages, so his grammar is pretty much perfect. I can’t begin to tell you what a help he is to me.

Do you think it’s possible to give yourself fully to raising children, writing, and keeping in shape? If not, which one for you has to take a back seat?

Keeping in shape? Yikes…that has been in the back seat for a LONG time. Kids come first, then the writing.

When do you find the time to write, and do you ever feel like you’re neglecting your children when you write?

Since I write at night, I do sleep in longer than I should. The boys (aged 10 and 16) have certain subjects that they can do while I sleep. I’m always home though…so, no, I don’t feel like I’m neglecting them at all.

How do you handle interruptions in your writing life?

If I need to write or do something during the day, I use ear muffs that we received with our weed-wacker. That way, my boys can play their electric guitars and drums, and I won’t be bothered. They pretty much know how to entertain themselves when I’m on a roll. However, if I do get interrupted, I just press save and go do what is needed.

How do you get back into the flow of writing after you’ve been interrupted?

I might make myself some Earl Grey tea, put those weed-wacker ear muffs on, and dive back into it.

What do you do to encourage yourself during those stormy days every writing mom has?

Drawing is a great stress relief for me, so if I’m having a bad writing day, I’ll draw…or I’ll play Halo on the X-box.

How do you position yourself to HEAR God’s voice when all the noises of life are swirling around you?

I make sure everyone is asleep, pray, read God’s word, and let Him speak. It is the coolest thing to write and have God giggle with me. He makes me laugh with joy a lot.

If you do feel your priorities slipping, what do you do to get back on track?

Pizza time! Movie! Family fun night. My family is my priority. I do find myself spending too much time playing and have to say ‘no’ to my flesh. It is amazing what you can accomplish when you say, “Hey…get back to work. You’ve played enough.”

Has there ever been a time God told you to set aside your writing to focus on other areas of your life? If so, how did you handle that?

Not really, unless you count ‘rewriting’ and ‘editing’…or learning the software needed for publishing. It has been quite a long time since I’ve actually written on the next book.  I’m almost afraid to start again, hoping that I will keep the story-line accurate. Yet, I am SO excited that I can finally do it. Much prayer will be needed as I dip my foot back in the water.

Did you ever feel like you’ve “missed” God in regards to writing, that maybe you should be doing something else?

Nope. It’s a bit crazy how much I feel that God has called me to publish and write books, like He has spent my life preparing me for this task, giving me the experiences I needed. I’ve been in the Army, spent much time with youth, received an art degree, and currently work with youth at church. I use all my experiences in my writing.

What advice would you give to writing moms who have their hearts set on publication?

It is a long, long journey. Make sure that you aren’t doing it for your own gain, but to God’s glory. Go to writer’s conferences and find critique groups. Mostly, be ready to accept feedback, criticism, and rejection. It can be a very humbling experience…and God will teach you patience. If you aren’t willing to learn from others and wait on God, then you probably shouldn’t try to publish. However, if you learn how to rework your writing, accept advice, and give it to the Lord, I say, HURRAH! You are a writer! Now get yourself a platform, a writer’s guide, and a ticket to the next conference…oh, and write.

Is there anything else you’d like to share?

If you are wondering about the chapter titles of my book, there is a funny story about them. I used cliches for the titles because when I first wrote my book, it was riddled with cliches. It took a critique service to point it out to me. Once I realized what I had done, I chose to make fun of myself. I added the titles after I wrote the chapters, making sure that they fit just right. I also added cliches to my main character’s speech and had the fairies not understand what she said. It was my way of laughing at myself.

Thanks so much, MC, for sharing your story!