Authentic Joy

By Latoya @latoyallawrence

The darkness cannot overpower the light and when our light shines the darkness can no longer cast it’s shadow. -miss latoya

Are you genuinely happy inside? It is a question that only we are able to answer and define for ourselves as happiness means different things to a variety of people.

I can honestly say that I am very happy inside and I have been that way for a very long time now.

I have a joy and a peace of mind that no one gave to me, and a peace and joy, in which no one can take away from me.

We have the capacity and the spirit to be happy and healthy in the midst of any type of negativity because the negativity of others and the negative energy within the world does not belong to those of us who are not of its bleak vibration.

We take from our situations to make the circumstance work out to our own advantage and to the best of our interest. In no fashion should we let or allow an unsavory situation or event to comprise us into its desolate condition.
