Ausiello Spoilers on Season 2

Posted on the 24 July 2012 by Bittersweet1975 @onceupon_fans

Question: I have a burning Once Upon a Time question — was the outside world affected when the curse was broken? —Jen
Ausiello: That’s what EP Adam Horowitz referred to as “an excellent question” when it was lobbed to him at Comic-Con over the weekend. “I think the best way to answer that,” he responded, “is to say that that will be explicated rather quickly.” Explicate: To analyze and develop (an idea or principle) in detail.

Question: Any scoop on August from Once Upon a Time? Please don’t say they’re not bringing him back. —Rae
Ausiello: “We are definitely going to tell what happened to Pinocchio,” EP Edward Kitsis assured us at Con. “The last we saw, he was wood.” Added Horowitz: “We gotta figure out what happened to him. We started the story and we intend to finish it.”