Aung Sun Suu Kyi – Tied to Burma’s Past and Burma’s Future.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

Today, Aung Sun Suu Kyi made the claim that democracy in Burma was not too far away. When the day does come, and democratic power is restored, the whole world will celebrate. This lady, in the peaceful dignified way she has opposed the military regime which took power in her country back in 1988, deserves a chance to bring Burma back into the international fold. She is a truly remarkable woman, and her links to Burma through the astrology shows why she caught the imagination of the people, and why the military rulers so feared her.

Aung Sun Suu Kyi was born on 19th June 1945 in Rangoon, Burma (no birth time known). She is communicative Gemini and has a Libran Moon. The combination of Sun and Moon in air signs shows a person who is sociable and clever and who enjoys debate, discussion, ideas and principles. Her Gemini Sun is conjunct to Mercury in Cancer, so she is someone who speaks and writes with emotion, and is proud of her history her roots and her country. Her Moon is in wide conjunction to Neptune also in Libra, which brings gentle emotions and this Moon is trine to Uranus in Gemini. Here is a link between the gentle spiritual Moon/Neptune conjunction and social revolution and freedom. The Gemini influence on Uranus indicates that she would be vocal in this rebellion against restrictions. Uranus in Gemini is always curious and eager to learn and people with this position  normally are progressive thinkers.

This is a lady with great fortitude and strength. Mars and Venus together in Taurus is a very gentle and peaceful combination. Venus in Taurus is steadfast and loyal Mars is dedicated and determined. Daw Suu “Auntie Suu” as the Burmese nickname her, is like the tortoise in the children’s story “The Hare and the Tortoise”. She will keep plodding along until the day is won.  When someone with Mars in Taurus gets on a mission, it is very difficult if nigh on impossible to stop them. This Mars/Venus conjunction is trine to Pluto which brings limitless compassionate energy to her.

Her mission is to lead and to run her country. Her father was head of the Burmese army who helped gain independence for Burma, however he was assassinated when Aung Sun Suu Kyi was just one. Her mother later gained prominence within the Burmese Government and became an overseas Ambassador to India, allowing Aung Sun Suu Kyi to travel and get a foreign education. Her relationship with her mother would not have been easy with Saturn in Cancer conjunct the Nodal (Maternal) axis square to the Moon, I don’t think they would have seen eye to eye, but Saturn’s proximity to the North Node not only showed Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s dependence on her mother, not only showed her mother’s responsible position, but also predicted the future. It showed that it was in her destiny that Aung Sun Suu Kyi herself would rise to political leadership (Saturn in 10th house) in her home nation (Cancer).

The relationship between her chart and Burma is inescapable. I have put her chart on the outside as we know Burma’s time of formation, 4th Jan 1948 in Rangoon. Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s North Node and Saturn opposes the Burmese Sun, a karmic connection between her and the nation and her Sun is in a quindecile aspect to the Burmese Sun and Mercury, a very focused link between her and the leadership of her country. Her Sun sits in the 7th house of open enemies, so she would attract as much opposition as support. Her Moon and Neptune conjunction conjuncts the Burmese Moon and Neptune conjunction in democratic, social and fair Libra in the 10th house of government. The Moon in a country chart represents the people, and leaders of countries often have connections between their Moon and the country’s Moon, showing acceptance and being on the same wavelength as the people. Her Jupiter in also in the 10th house conjunct to the Burmese Midheaven. If she ever came to power, her influence would bring liberty, luck and fortune to the country. Her Uranus sits on the Burmese descendant just into the 7th house, showing her revolutionary stance as someone who would oppose, then overturn the status quo.

Moving on to her relationship with the military regime. In 1988, the Military staged a coup d’état (known as the 8888 uprising) due to their view that the country was being mismanaged. One can understand the profligacy of the Burmese government at the time with the national chart having a Sagittarian Ascendant and Jupiter in the 1st house!! Over expansive or what?? Apparently the day and time of formation of Burma in 1948 was due to the astrologers of the time thinking that having such a Jupiter and Sagittarian influence was lucky. You can have too much of a good thing… Astrology and spirituality has always been a major part of Burmese life.

Immediately you can see Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s Sun Uranus Mercury North Node and Saturn opposing the Military’s Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Moon, squared by the military’s Mars, like two armies facing each other. You can see the opposition to her authority (Saturn quindecile Saturn) with the military having the upper hand through the square to her Nodal axis and Saturn by their military might in Mars. Her compassionate gentle Venus opposed the regime’s Pluto and squared their own Venus is in regal Leo. Did this astrological position predict the future at the time of the coup? The imprisonment (Pluto) of the regime’s most prominent opponent (opposing), who was a peaceful woman (Venus in Taurus), however this woman would capture the attention of the world and her star would rise putting her in the spotlight (Venus in Leo) ready to take control herself once the regime ended (ASSK’s Pluto in Leo conjunct Venus in Leo).

That time is now approaching and looking back over Burma’s history you can see that the country responds to the Nodal Axis, especially when it hits an angle. At the time of the coup, the transiting South Node (a time of detriment) was conjunct the Burmese Midheaven. look at the position of the natal Burmese South Node, in secretive controlling Scorpio hidden away in the 12th house. That is exactly the type of regime that Burma became after the coup.

In 2007 as the South Node returned to connect with the Midheaven and Uranus opposed joining the North Node at the nadir of the chart, the eyes of the world were on Burma again, as the people rose up against Military rule. While under house arrest, Aung Sun Suu Kyi appeared at the gate of her house briefly to support the monks who were demonstrating against human rights however, as the South Node connected with the natal Mars (the Nodes move clockwise around the chart) in September 07, the military quelled the revolt, killing many of the peaceful protesters in the process, and shocking the world with their brutal response. The message however had I think got through, and slowly but surely the military grip has been weakening on Burma ever since.

In the past week, the British Foreign secretary has been visiting Rangoon, meeting Aung Sun Suu Kyi, something seen as impossible just a few years ago. This meeting comes as the transiting North Node makes contact with the Burmese Ascendant, and full change is not so far away. Transiting Pluto is approaching a conjunction with the Burmese Sun at 12 Capricorn. Actual contact will not be complete until March 2014, but I expect the controls on the country will be loosened more and more as Burma prepares for free and fair elections. At that point the transiting South Node will be sitting bang on Burma’s progressed Venus. How more appropriate a time for the accession of their beloved female freedom fighter. I expect the transformation of the country then to be complete, and for Aung Sun Suu Kyi to fulfil her destiny and lead her nation.