August Song 16: "Let You Break My Heart Again" by Laufey

By Ventipop @ventipop

"Listening to Laufey (Laufey Lin) is akin to being transported to a smoky, candlelit jazz bar circa the 1950s. " Holy smokes, did Newsounds get that quote perfect. I never would have thought a twenty-two-year-old Half Chinese, half Icelandic, Boston-based artist could ever sound the way this girl sounds. Think Billy Holiday. Roberta Flack. Ella Fitzgerald. She's 22. 22!

" Let You Break My Heart Again" is her newly released single and her album Typical of Me was released earlier this year. Laufey (it's pronounced 'Lay-Vay') has a love for the standards and her heavenly vibrato-rich voice will have you swaying and swooning for more.