August Recap

Posted on the 01 September 2012 by Diana @azizaspicks
Hello lovely blog friends,
August is gone- honestly, how did it fly by so fast?- and so, fall is here.
As you know, I was MIA for some time because of my dissertation and now I can proudly say that I have finished it, submitted and can call myself a happy unemployed girl, not student anymore :)
Unfortunately, I didn't have as much luck with my job hunt, so I have to go back home to Bucharest, Romania in a couple of weeks, and I am rather sad about it- London is a fantastic city and I feel like I belong here, more than my hometown. But life goes on, and so will I- I'm sure there are a number of great opportunities waiting for me there, as well.
You'll still love me even if I'm not in London anymore, right? :)
Anyway, moving on to the very short recap of the month:

Vera Drake [2004]
Garden State [2004]
Searching for Sugar Man [2012]
Submarine [2011]
On the road [2012]
Dirty Dancing [1987]- for the 1000th time
Moulin Rouge [2001]
Brave [2012]
Books 2 (YA novel, Looking for Alaska)
I have some serious catching up to do if I am going to resolve my New Year Resolutions, I better get on it.
September looks like a much more interesting, free month for me and I plan to read, write and watch a lot of things, now that I have officially ended my academic journey.
I hope you all have a great month!
p.s. In a couple of days, Aziza's Picks turns one year old :D happy times, gonna celebrate with an interesting, revealing post, I hope!