August Goals

By Cait @caitscozycorner
August Goals
I'm sure everyone is saying it today but how did August get here so quickly? One minute I'm loving the summer months in June..July flies by and now it's August! SLOW DOWN SUMMER! Thankfully our summer months are officially slowing down after my crazy maternity leave months. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing family but we were busy with company for almost 7 weeks straight. I like being back in our normal routines.
Now that it's August, I have a few goals this month that I thought I'd share with you all. Similar to last July's goals, I'm hoping to make this one just as fun!
1. Physical Therapy - This was a goal of mine last month as I just started working with my PT and was a little hesitant with it. So far, I'm into my 5th week and seeing some progress. I know it's not something that will happen overnight of course but working on the exercise's that she gives me has really helped to improve my core and strengthen it. Let's hoping I can keep it up for my last 3 weeks before I'm finished!
2. More Family Time- Last month I seemed to be swamped in lots of freelance writing, blog posts, campaigns and more. I felt like  I didn't give my family the time and attention it deserved so I may be taking a bit of a small set back to those things and enjoying quality time. Maybe it'll help me not be so stressed out all the time too ;)
3. Meet New Bloggers/Event- I had such a great time meeting new bloggers this past month both in real life and just through connecting online. You guys are just amazing and so supportive and I want to get coffee and chat about life with all of you! That being said, I'm hoping to host a fun little event here in GA for my blogging babes so stay tuned friends.
4. Clean Out - As much as I really love and adore all my PR samples/products that I've been receiving the last few weeks for various campaigns, I really started to hoard way to many things. Is there such a thing as a fall clean out? Well, I'll be doing it and getting rid of lots of clothes, make up, jewelry and more! Anyone ever sell it on Poshmark and seen success? What about an online garage sale? If you're interested I could even post a few things here! Let me know !

What are some of your goals this month?
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