August Birthday Flowers

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

August is usually one of the more pleasant months as far as temperatures are concerned.  The first week or so will probably still be extremely hot but, as the month progresses, things will cool down in preparation for the onset of autumn.  For all those born during the month of August, you are lucky to celebrate your special day at such a beautiful time of year.  As for those looking to send flowers to somebody for their birthday in August, you too are lucky since it is still technically summer and there are still a number of fantastic flowers out there.  Your local and online florist should have no problem supplying you with stunning blooms in your own town or even an international flower delivery.

One thing is for sure when sending flowers and that is the fact that the recipient is sure to dig their nose into the bouquet the first chance they get!  Smelling your fresh flower bouquet is but an automatic reaction that most of us have.  So, if you are looking for flowers that are sure to please the intended recipient’s sense of smell, then gardenias are the way to go.  A delicate flower it is indeed but it’s scent is so sweet and unforgettable that it truly sets this flower apart from the rest.  Just make sure that the florist advises the recipient not to touch the petals themselves and to only hold the bouquet by the stems.  Any direct contact between your skin and the petals can cause them to turn brown and die.

Looking for something a little tougher than the gardenia?  Well, dahlias are in season and just aching for a chance to please.  These full-bodied flowers are available in various shapes, sizes and colours.  A mixed bouquet of dahlias will resemble a bunch of multicoloured balloons and this is just perfect to send as a birthday bouquet.

As always, your florist should have roses, carnations and other regularly purchased flowers in stock.  Whether they are grown in greenhouses or imported, they are essential to many florists’ daily arrangements.  Remember that the goal of your floral gift is to make the birthday boy or girl smile.  If you are familiar with their favorite flowers or even their favorite colour, this is a sure way to achieve success.  Whenever you send flowers to somebody you care about, the most important thing is not how much you spend but rather what was in your heart when you made the purchase.  If you go out in search of a gift and all that you are thinking of is, “Oh, what can I buy quickly so that I can get out of here?” then the recipient is sure to pick up on this.  Sincerity is of utmost importance and, in order to appear truly sincere, you need to make your flower selection carefully and not in too much of a hurry.