Dulaang UP's upcoming musical production of "Rizal X," to be directed by Dexter Santos ("Orosman at Zafira"), is looking for a young male lead and strong ensemble players (16-25 years old) who can sing, move and play a musical instrument.
The auditions are on April 28-29, 5-8 p.m., at the Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Theater, Palma Hall, UP Diliman. Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. An upright piano will be available during the auditions.
Interested actors are required to:
1. Sing and play a contemporary pop-rock number in English and Tagalog with the musical instrument of their choice.
2. Perform a dance or movement piece that will showcase their strength and versatility (classical ballet, contemporary dance, hip-hop, etc.)
3. Read a monologue from the musical.
4. Bring their current photo and resume.
For more information, contact Nick Guila 0915-1916384 or visit the Facebook page--Rizal X.